ileus, iliac passion, miserere, anaphora.
to cause to return;
to transport, to transfer.
of six ages or epochs.
hidden in a rock, in a cavern, in ambush, waiting for among the rocks.
առնել —, to anagrammatize;
յօրինող տառադարձութեան, anagrammatist;
յօրինումն տառադարձութեան, anagrammatism.
— ծննդոց, birthday;
կատարել զ— ծննդոց, յաղթութեան, to keep the anniversary of a birth;
to commemorate a victory.
reciprocity, return, recompense, compensation;
reciprocal, mutual, respective, alternative;
— անկիւնք, alternate angles.
reciprocally, mutually, alternatively, vice-versa.
to recompense, to reward;
to return like for like.
furnished with corridors.
guardian or minister of a temple.
cf. Նորահաւատ.
re-made, made up anew.
musical composer;
lyric poet.
built with taste, embellished.
well or carefully cultivated.
return from a journey or voyage.