to be consoled or comforted mutually.
cf. Մխրճիմ.
done after reflection.
to be anxious, perturbed;
to be vacillating, wavering.
mentally blind.
out of one's mind, extravagant, mad.
intellectual, spiritual;
mental, ideal.
— չուանեայ, whip-cord;
— հեծելոց, riding-whip;
հարուածք —աց, lash, cut, stroke of a whip;
cf. Կուշտ.
— երիվար, post-horse.
to horse whip, to lash, to whip;
to prick, to spur;
to stimulate.
young ass;
colt, foal, filly;
colt's foot.
berry, small fruit.
to roast, to toast, to burn.
ant-bear, ant-eater, myrmecophagus, tamandua.
cf. Մրրատեսակ.
mixed with lees, full of dregs.
tempest, storm, foul weather;
— ծովու, squall, gust of wind, high wind;
— հողմոյ, blast, hurricane, whirlwind, tornado;
— ծխոյ, dense smoke, cloud of smoke;
— բոցոյ, volume of flames.
gathering, threatening, stormy, tempestuous.
cf. Մրրկախառն.
tempestuous, boisterous, stormy, blustering, windy.
causing or producing tempests;
cf. Մրրկաբեր;
նշանք —ք, prognostics, signs which usher in the storm.
raining impetuously;
— նետք, սլաքք, a storm of arrows.
to tempest, to produce a tempest, to trouble, to ruffle, to agitate violently.
to be tempest-tost or tempest-tossed, to be driven, or whirled about, to be very agitated, rough;
մրրկէր ծուշ ընդ երկիր, curling clouds of smoke ascended to the skies.
cf. Մրուր.
cf. Մարտակից.
premium, prize or reward;
fight, combat;
տանել զ—, to win, to carry the prize, to bear away the bell;
— առնուլ, to get, gain or obtain a prize.
neighbouring, living or dwelling near.
cf. Մօտակաց.
assisting, present, neighbouring, near, close to.
to be cut quite short, cut off at the roots.
muddy, marshy.
gray-mullet, sur-mullet.
the temple.
cf. Յաբեթեան.
cf. Յախերկան.
cf. Յախճապակի.
porcelain, china, china-ware.
to cover or ornament with porcelain;
—եալ յատակ, tessellated pavement;
—եալ յօրինուած, tessellation;
roaming, rambling.
to look at, to gaze upon, to look intently at;
to survey, to watch.
studded or set with hyacinths.