first letter, initial.
cf. Նախատիպ.
commenced, created, primitive, first.
cf. Սկսանիմ.
cf. Սկզբումն.
the first existence or creation.
cf. Սկզբումն.
beginning, outset, opening, initiative, first steps, first appearance;
chalice-cover, veil.
cup, bowl;
beginning, commencement, outset;
origin, principle;
cause, matter, author, mother, motive, birth, base, foundation;
principle, maxim;
prelude, proem, exordium;
սկզբունք անընդմիջականք, immediate principles;
սկզբունք արքիմեդեայ, Archimedes' principles;
ի սրզբանէ or սկզբանէ, ի սկզբնուստ, in the beginning, at first, originally, firstly, primitively;
անդուստ or անդստին ի սկզբանէ, from the very beginning or outset, from the first, ab ovo, ab antiquo;
ի սրզբանէ ցկատարածն, from beginning to end;
ի սկզբանէ աշխարհի, since the creation of the world;
ի սկզբանէ էր բանն, in the beginning was the Word;
— առնել or առնուլ, ունել, cf. Սկսանիմ;
ի սկզբանէ, from the beginning, at the beginning;
cf. Սկիզբն.
skythron, (kind of telescope).
cf. Սկի.
cf. Սկանամ.
թռիչ-, flying -;
— գանչէ, the — growls.
cf. Սկնդուկ.
forlorn, desolate, deserted wife;
small dog, poodle, lap-dog;
— ատամունք, canine teeth.
axeman, hangman.
cf. Սկտեղսկտեղ.
disk, plate, tray;
basin, charger.
to strangle.
begun or beginning.
cf. Սկսնում.
to begin, to commence, to initiate, to set about, to enter upon, to start, to make one's outset;
to give the signal for or of, to fall to, to undertake, to propose, to put in train;
to be born, begun or commenced;
վերստին —, to begin again, anew, afresh or over again;
to recommence;
տալ —, to cause to commence.
cf. Սկսող.
cf. Սկսող.
beginner, novice.
cf. Սկսումն.
beginning, start, debut, first appearance or performance;
short-hand, stenographical.
cf. Սուղ.
quick time.
առ — պզտորել զջուրս, to foul or muddy water by walking through it.
trodden down, trampled upon.
cf. Սմբակակոխեմ.
cf. Սմբակակոխ առնեմ.
to trample down with cavalry.
tasting like water fouled by horses.
frog or frush, (hollow part of a horse's hoof).
cf. Պատնջան.
eastern poppy.