cf. Անհաս.
cf. Անհաս.
individual, atomic.
exempt from tax or impost.
cf. Անհարսն.
improbable, unlikely.
mime, buffoon.
cf. Այպանեմ.
cf. Այսակիր.
cf. Այսակիր.
possessed with a devil or evil genius, tormented with a devil, demoniac.
such, like, in this manner or fashion.
cf. Այսպիսի.
virile, manly.
dwarf, very little man.
want of affinity;
strange, extraordinary;
undutiful, insolent, impudent, froward, obstinate, stubborn;
rascally, wicked.
to be disobedient, insolent.
cf. Անախորժ.
not subject to diseases or passions.
cf. Անաչառ
cf. Անաչառութիւն.
hopeless, despondent, desperate;
unexpected, unforeseen, unlooked-for, sudden.
cf. Անակնկալ.
of or belonging to Venus or Diana.
cf. Անաճ.
cf. Անժամանակ.
invariable, unalterable, immutable.
unconfined, wide, large;
cf. Անանց.
banished or driven from his country;
captive, enslaved;
strange, foreign.
pure, unmixed, neat, unadulterated.
pure, chaste, inviolate.
purity, chastity.
living in a lonely place, eremitical.
cf. Անապատաբնակ.
solitary, eremitical;
hermit, anchorite.
dissolute, debauched, libertine, licentious, wanton, lewd;
prodigal, profuse.
dissolutely, lewdly, wantonly;
prodigally, lavishly.
to be dissolute, to be debauched, to be a libertine;
to be prodigal or lavish.
debauchery, dissoluteness, libertinism, excess, disorderly life, wantonness, lasciviousness, lust;
unchastity, prostitution.
impregnable, inexpugnable
cf. Անասնախառն.
that lives like a beast, brutal, bestial.
having the form of a beast, brutish.
a small beast;
a lean beast.
impotent, imbecile, feeble.
cf. Անարգ.
cf. Անարդ.