half dead.
to divide into two parts, to divide in halves.
to establish, to determine, to prescribe.
sunday eve, saturday night.
cf. Կիւս.
demonology, black art.
to swallow;
to devour;
to ingulf, to absorbe;
զօդ՝ զշունչ or ոգի to breathe, to take breath;
— զբանս, to listen eagerly.
clime, climate.
to cause to swallow.
to prick;
to sting;
to nip, to bite;
to pique.
cf. Կծանեմ.
cf. Կծանեմ.
cf. Կծանեմ.
to wind, to coil up, to make into a clew or coil;
to bind, to narrow, to contract, to straiten.
to squat down, to crouch, to cower;
to be contracted, shortened;
to shrivel up, to grow narrow.
cf. Կծկութիւն.
to gather, to pluck, to pick.
to weave with the shuttle.
to sit squat, to squat down, to sit on one's heels.
to grow hollow, to sink in;
կկոցեալ աչք, hollow, sunken eyes;
ի դուրս կկոցեալ աչք, startingeyes.
cf. Կկզիմ.
to blow, to blossom, to bloom, to open.
to knot, to tie in a knot, to make a knot, to tie up.
to afflict oneself, to be disheartened, discouraged, to grow faint-hearted, to languish.
to be enamoured of, smitten with, to burn for, to be ardently attached to, very fond of;
to long for, to pant after, to sigh or die for.
cf. Կղկաթեմ.
cf. Կղկաթեմ.
to strain or pass through a filter or strainer;
to defecate, to clear from dregs, to purge of lees or impurities;
to fine, to filter, to refine, to clarify.
defecation, purification.
til, pantile;
— քառանկիւն, brick.
cf. Կղմինդր.
elecampane, star-wort.
to shrivel up, to shrink, to double up, to contract, to collapse, to cuddle or coil up.
cf. Փակեմ.
cf. Կծանեմ.
to grow horny or callous.
cf. Կճղականամ.
to merely say, to confine oneself to saying;
*to bark, to peel.
cf. Կմախիք.
umbo, the boss of a shield or buckler.
cf. Գմբեթ.
cf. Գմբեթաձեւ.
cupolas, domes.
cf. Կմբեայ.
mercury, dog's caul.