foot-soldiers, infantry.
fighting on foot;
—ք or — գունդ, infantry.
cf. Հետեւակամարտութիւն.
to go on foot, to walk;
կորուսանել զկիրթ —կելոյ, to lose the habit of walking.
cf. Հետեւիմ.
cf. Հետեւիմ.
to follow, to accompany, to attend, to go with;
to follow, to follow in the steps of, to imitate;
to follow, to go or come after, to result, to derive, to proceed, come from;
— շաւղաց ուրուք, to follow in the steps of, to go after;
— ի մօտոյ, to follow closely, near;
to cause to follow, to induce;
to infer, to conclude, to draw a conclusion.
cf. Հետեւողութիւն.
scraping the hair from hides.
to hold or pull one by the hair.
to suffice, to be sufficient or enough;
to be adequate.
to plough, to furrow.
to plough, to till, to cultivate.
to card.
cf. Հերձեմ.
to cleave, to split, to divide, to cut;
to chop;
to crack;
to tear;
to dissect, to anatomize;
to cleave diamonds;
to disunite, to sow division, to make a breach between, to bring out a scission;
— զմորթ մարմնոյ, to chap;
— զապակիս, to crack;
— նաւի զծով, to plough the sea, to run a-head, to have head-way.
cf. Հերձատամն.
to split, to rive;
to crack, to chop, to cut, to tear.
to be split or cloven, to crack, to burst;
to be torn or rent.
cf. Հերձատեմ.
to be divided, separated.
cf. Հերձանեմ.
cleavage, cleaving;
cf. Հերձուած;
— որովային, gastrotomy.
cf. Հերձանեմ.
to repulse, to reprove, to refute, to contradict;
ի բաց —, to refuse, to reject;
to suffice, to be sufficient.
— բանից, confutation.
to pant, to puff, to be breathless;
cf. Թասեմ.
to grow stronger, to become more powerful, to make or render oneself potent, mighty;
to gather strength, to be strengthened.
to render stronger, more powerful;
to strengthen, to invigorate, to fortify.
to wonder, to marvel, to be astonished, surprised, amazed;
to fall into ecstasies or raptures, to fall from the clouds;
հիացեալ զարմանամ, I am lost in wonder, I am filled with admiration.
charming, ravishing, surprising, stupendous, admirable.
unutterable, inexpressible, wonderful.
admiration, astonishment, surprise, wonder;
charm, enchantment;
աստուածահրաշ —, rapture, trance, divine ecstasy;
— or ի — ածել, — արկանել, cf. Հիացուցանեմ;
լինել ի —, to be the admiration of;
արկանել — ի վերայ ուրուք, to plunge into ecstasies, to enrapture;
— է մտաց լսել, it is surprising to hear.
to astonish, to surprise, to amaze, to astound, to enchant, to charm to admiration, to strike with amazement.
why ? for what reason ?.
hin (measure);
base, basis;
foot, bottom;
back, back part;
foundation, establishment;
— աղանալի, salifiable base;
— ի վեր, from top to bottom;
thoroughly, utterly;
— ի յատակ, to its very foundations;
down to the ground, to the bottom;
— or հիմունս արկանել, to lay the foundations of, to found;
— ի վեր առնել, կործանել, տապալել, յատակել, to cast to the earth, to throw, cast or pull down, to overthrow, to overwhelm, to subvert, to demolish, destroy or ruin utterly;
ի հիմանց կործանիլ, to be overthrown;
— լինել իրիք, to be the foundation of;
անկանիլ հիման, to have laid the foundation;
ի վերայ հաստատուն հիման, on a solid foundation.
to found, to build, to lay the foundations;
to institute, to establish.
establishment, institution.
to demolish, to raze, to level with the ground.
to be founded, established, built.
fundamentally, thoroughly, to the bottom.
cf. Հիմնադիր.