cure, dressing;
remedy, reparation;
provender, provision, victuals;
subsistence, nourishment, maintenance;
— տամ, cf. Դարմանեմ.
remediable, curative.
to nourish, to sustain, to feed;
to fodder;
to cherish, to foment;
to physic, to dress, to heal;
to repair.
careful of;
who nourishes.
cf. Դարման.
end, term, limit.
cf. Դադարումն.
to betray, to defraud, to deceive, to prevaricate.
cf. Դաւաճանութիւն.
cf. Դաւանակից.
to confess, to avow, to profess, to protest.
cf. Դաւանեմ.
cf. Դաւանութիւն.
to defraud, to cheat, to contrive.
cf. Դաւողութիւն.
to strike or sound the tabour.
cf. Դափիւն.
to tap, to stamp with the foot, to scrape the ground.
cf. Խոխոջեմ.
cf. Խոխոջեմ.
cf. Դդըչիւն.
cf. Դդըչիւն.
macaroni, macaroon.
pumpkin, gourd.
calabash, gourd;
— դառն, colocynth, colo-quintida.
to frequent company;
to trifle;
to wander, to recreate one's self.
cf. Դեգերանք.
to vacillate, to stagger, to totter.
to vacillate, to totter, to waver, to shake, to fluctuate.
vacillation, unsteadiness, uncertainty, irresolution.
to prepare physic or tinctures.
to physic, to cure;
to poison.
to poison;
to infect with poison;
to physic;
to dye.
that takes physic;
that takes poison.
to become yellow;
to become fair;
to grow red;
to become pale.
earth, ground, soil.
sprung from, earth, terrestrial.
Persian religion.
new married.
to go on an embassy.
cf. Իդերեւ ելանեմ.
cf. Դերեւ առնեմ.
cf. Դերեւ առնեմ.
cf. Ի դերեւ ելանեմ.
cf. Դերեւ լինիմ.