fond of examination, desirous or eager to know how, curious.
passion for research, desire of information, curiosity.
made by thee or by thyself, thy.
armed by thyself.
belonging to thy religion.
ordered or imposed by thee or by thyself.
done, produced by thee.
inspired by thee.
done with thy diligent care.
created by thee.
given by thee.
like the Tartars.
cf. Գինձ.
cf. Խարազնազգեաց.
cf. Քսանանիստ.
cf. Քսանամեան.
twenty years old;
of twenty years.
twenty times as much.
mighty, roaring, awe-compelling (Ocean).
terrifying, striking with horror, making one's hair stand on end, horrible, fearful, awful.
having or bearing J.-C. in the heart.
to become a pagan priest, to perform the functions of priest of a divinity.
dwelt in by the cherubim.
sudoriferous, sudorific, diaphoretic.
all over in perspiration, bathed in sweat.
steeped in sweat (bread).
dripping sweat.
cf. Քրտնալից.
cf. Քրտնալից.
full of sweat, in a profuse perspiration.
fatigued to perspiration.
born of, or produced by sweat.
sweat-struck, sweating profusely, too much fatigued;
cf. Քրտնաբեր.
cf. Քրտնախոնջ.
to cause to sweat or. perspire, to throw into a perspiration.
aiding, assisting, helping, auxiliary;
aid, helper, assistant, adjutant, coadjutor, colleague;
— զորք, auxiliary forces, reinforcements, auxiliaries;
— լինել, to help, to aid, to give help to, to succour;
— լինել միմեանց, to help one another;
— իւր առնուլ, to profit by, to avail oneself of զխաւար — առեալ, under cover or favour of the darkness.
cf. Օգնեմ.
cf. Օգնութիւն;
alliance, league cooperation, collaboration.
traversing, moving, flying in the air.
affected by damp, damped by the atmosphere.
to be changed or resolved into air;
to be transparent as the air.