troop, pack.
cf. Ճաճանչաւուխտ.
gay with many colours, with gold and silver embroidery;
quackery, charlatanry;
bombast, fustian, turgidity, boasting, bragging.
game-bag of horse-hair.
decoration, ornament;
to make a loud noise, a crash, to cause to crackle, to crack, to burst;
to speak in a bombastic manner, to brag, to boast.
great noise, crash, cracking, crackling, crick-crack;
bursting, blowing up, explosion.
offuscation of the sight, blearedness, purblindness.
cf. Ճանաչողութիւն.
travelling company.
journey, way;
— ընդ ծով, voyage;
ծախք ճանապարհորդութեան, travelling expenses;
— ընդ ծով եւ ընդ ցամաք, travels and voyages.
taster, assayer.
trial, tasting.
cf. Ճաշակելիք.
to cause to taste, to give to eat.
act of tasting or eating;
Holy Communion;
cf. Ճաշարան.
creeping, crawling, cringing;
windig, tortuous, sinuous;
flexible, supple;
ընդ —, hurriedly, hastily, in haste;
ընդ — անցանել, to insinuate, to worm oneself in, to enter cautiously but hastily, to creep or steal in swiftly.
claw, talon;
lobster's or crab's claws.
irradiation, emission of rays, radiancy, radiance;
commencement of a discourse or treatise, chapter.
chess, game of -;
— խաղալ, to play at chess.
to feed, to pasture, to give to eat.
pasture, pasturage;
dilatation, extension.
crackling, creaking, crepitation, crick-crack, crash, burst.
dandelion, pissabed.
fatness, plumpness.
rhetoric, oratory, oratorical art;
eloquence, fecundity of expression, fluency of speech, richness of style.
speaking well, fluency of speech, eloquence.
cf. Ճարտարմտութիւն.
great skill or dexterity in art.
cf. Ճարտարագործ.
to render skilful, dexterous.
acuteness, perspicacity, penetration;
dexterity, address, cleverness;
sophistry, cavilling, pettifogging, sophism, subtlety, quirk.
art, skill, ability, dexterity, address;
cunning, subtlety, artifice, prank, feint, policy, sharpness;
penetration, sagacity, presence of mind;
knowledge, erudition;
genius, bent;
ճարտարութեամբ, dexterously, cleverly, adroitly, artfully, craftily, cunningly;
ձեռագործ, մշակական, տուր եւառիկ —, manufacturing, agricultural, commercial industry;
լար ճարտարութեան, lead plummet.
cf. Ճարտրուկ.
wild parsley.
piebald, dapple-grey;
— ձի, — horse;
— ճանճկէն, roan, rubican.
having led an austere life.
hermit's or ascetic life.
to force, to molest, to trouble, to vex, to torment;
to endanger, to jeopard.
austere or ascetic life, austerity;
penitence, mortification, maceration;
fatigue, labour, trouble, effort;
combat, resistance;
danger, risk;
— մահու, death-struggle, pangs, agony;
օր ճգնութեան դատաստանին, the momentous day of the Last Judgment;
ամենայն ճգնութեամբ, with the utmost care or diligence.
combat, strife;
cf. Ճգնութիւն.