negligent, careless, inattentive, indifferent, indolent;
— առնել, — լինել, to neglect, to slight, cf. Անտեսել.
negligence, carelessness.
that does not put to the test;
that is not tried or put to the test;
inexperienced, untried, new;
pure, chaste.
want of temptation;
cf. Անփոյթութիւն.
not rotten, incorruptible, not liable to decay.
immutable, invariable, unalterable, uniform, constant
immutably, invariably.
cf. Անփոփոխ.
cf. Անփոփոխ.
cf. Անփոփոխ.
cf. Անփոփոխ.
immutability, invariableness, constancy.
want of rottenness, incorruptibility.
that cannot be ransomed or redeemed.
incivility, unpoliteness, rudeness.
indigence, poverty.
cf. Կողամայր.
want of examination.
safe, secure.
security, safety.
awake, wakeful, sleepless, watchful, — լինել, կալ to be awake;
to be wakeful, sleepless.
useless, fruitless, vain, unprofitable;
յ—ս, unprofitably, vainly.
cf. Անսուաղութիւն.
more or very thin, very subtile.
to rarefy;
to make thin;
to lessen, to diminish, to subtilize.
subtilty, thinness.
iniquity, malice;
aurora, dawn, day-break;
ընդ աշալուրշսն, at dawn, at break of day.
cf. Աշալուրշք.
cf. Աշխատաժիր.
diligent labour, elaborate study, industry;
work, production.
that works, that labours;
— եղբայր, lay-brother.
cf. Աշխատեմ.
troublesome, tedious;
which makes work, fatiguing.
cf. Աշխատեցուցիչ.
fatigue, trouble, labour, care, endeavour, effort;
work, business;
— մտաց, stretch of the mind, intense application;
աշխատութեամբ, with difficulty, with great trouble.
plaintive, mournful, lamentable.
to proclame every where or with a loud voice, to divulge, to noise abroad.
published or that publishes throughout the world.
praised by all the world.
the reception of universal praise;
universal praise.
Creator of the world.
creation of the world.
cf. Աշխարհախումբ.
geographical globe.