war against J.-C.;
the denying the divinity of Christ.
honoured by J.-C.
near unto J.-C.
the first and the second coming of Christ.
bearing or representing the sign of J.-C;
emblem of christianity, the Cross.
restored by J.-C.
offered, consecrated to J.-C, holy, divine.
narrated or taught by J.-C.
crowned by J.-C.
sent by J.-C.
fond of J.-C., loving J.-C, devout, pious.
piety, love of Christ.
crucifying J.-C.
selling or betraying J.-C.
hating, detesting J.-C.
planted by J.-C.
given by J.-C.
transmitted, given or taught by J.-C.
Christ's vicar.
Christ's, of J.-C.;
christian, faithful.
having received J.-C.;
bound up in J.-C.
sharing in the spirit and knowledge of J.-C.
cf. Քրիստոսեան.
having or bearing J.-C. in the heart.
denying J.-C.
cf. Քրձազգած.
like a cherub, angelically.
august, empress;
— Տիրուհի, Holy Virgin, Queen of heaven & earth.
august, majestic, grand, magnificent.
cf. Օգոստական.
fond of one's profit or gain, very interested.
nourished by air, aerivorous.
cf. Օդանման.