where the seraphim assemble;
chorus of seraphim.
pure, holy as a seraph.
representing the seraphim.
guarded by seraphim.
crowded by seraphim.
cf. Սրովբէանման.
served by seraphim.
seraph-seeing (Isaiah);
seraph-figured (saint Mesrob).
resembling a seraph.
surrounded or guarded by seraphim.
coddy-muddy, larus.
cf. Յեսան.
phial, flagon, bottle;
— վիրաբուժից, cupping-glass.
sharpness, acuteness, keenness, point;
rapidity, velocity, speed, celerity;
— մտաց, acumen;
— ձայնի, shrillness.
rather sharp;
sharpening, setting, grinding.
leg, shank.
good-eared, sharp-eared.
cabinet, lady's private room, boudoir;
nuptial bed, thalamus;
holy-water pile.
to sprinkle, to be —, to asperse, to water, to spill, to shed, to spirt out, to bathe lightly.
aspersorium, aspergile;
holy-water sprinkler.
aspersion, besprinkling.
frozen snow-flake.
— լինել, to palpitate.
broken-hearted, discouraged, dejected, despondent;
astonished, frightened;
— առնել, to dishearten, to discourage, to deject, to take away a person's courage, to disconcert;
to dismay, to frighten, to strike with astonishment;
— լինել, to be broken-hearted, disheartened, down cast, dispirited, desponding, to lose or want courage;
to be frightened, dismayed.
cf. Սրտաբեկ առնեմ.
cf. Սրտաբեկ լինիմ.
faint-heartedness, dejection, despondency, discouragement, consternation.
knowing all hearts.
with all one's heart.
crying, imploring heartily.
auricles of the heart.
disheartened, dismayed, struck with consternation.
consternation, dismay.
cf. Սրտաբախ.
hearty, sincere;
heartily, sincerely.
heart-sick, deeply afflicted.
very desirous, anxious, longing for, amorous;
— առնել, to make one's mouth water;
to inflame with desire, to enamor.
heart-broken, heart-wounded.
to grieve deeply, to break one's heart;
to rend the heart, to harrow.
grateful, delightful, pleasing.
bantering, jeering, mocking.
cf. Սրտաշարժ.