unjust, partial.
unjustness, iniquity.
unproductive, fruitless, useless;
without sun, dark, cloudy.
unworthy, unfit, improper;
condemnable, blamable, illegal, dishonest;
— համարել, to disdain.
cf. Անարժանաբար.
cf. Անարժան;
յ—, unworthily.
weak, feeble, unmanly, timid, pusillanimous, cowardly;
gigantic, enormous, monstrous.
more or very feeble, very weak, very timid.
timorous, fearful;
timidity, pusillanimity, tearfulness, cowardice;
gigantic size.
that has no blood, bloodless;
that does not bleed.
moneyless, poor;
gratuitous, gratis.
that does not love money, generous, liberal.
that cannot be revived, or rekindled, not renewable, extinct.
without roots, rooted
of no trade, or profession;
immaterial, simple, natural;
rough, rude.
cf. Անարիութիւն.
that cannot be pronounced distinctly, difficult to articulate.
uncultivated, waste;
intact, chaste.
cf. Ամբարիշտ.
thunder-clap, thunder;
noise, explosion, crash, report.
thundering, loud, noisy.
monthly news paper.
cf. Ամսօրեայ.
lasting a month, of a month's duration;
— մի ժամանակ, a month's time, space of a month.
more solid or strong, very durable, well fortified.
very secret, very private;
very intricately fortified;
protecting, sheltering.
inhabiting a fortified place;
guard of a fortress.
strongly built, very strong or solid.
strongest side of a fortress, most fortified part;
citadel, castle, fortress.
extremely strong or solid, very hard;
made hard under the hammer.
to establish one's self, to fortify one's self, to be intrenched, strongly posted.
cf. Ամրակառոյց.
that guards well;
strongly guarded.
cf. Ամրապահ.
strongly walled.
to fortify, to garrison, to put in a state of defence;
to re-enforce, to strengthen, to confirm, to corroborate, to establish, to settle, to cement;
to encourage, to hearten, to animate, to embolden;
to prop, to support, to sustain, to stay, to keep up, to hold up;
to bar, to fasten, to shut, to stop up, to close.
well shut or locked, strongly barred, well fastened.
to shut up strongly, to lock well, to preserve;
to fasten, to bar, to close.
fort, fortress;
redoubt, outwork.
solidity, durability, strength;
re-enforcement, establishment, confirmation, settlement, corroboration;
fort, fortification;
redoubt, outwork.
abashed, confounded, put to shame, shamed, overwhelmed with confusion;
cf. Ամօթապարտ.
abashed, put to the blush, confounded;