of three stories (house);
cf. Եռանդնոտ.
devout, spiritual.
divided into three parts, divided trebly, trisected.
triduan, of three days.
movable, travelling steam-engine;
ողջ —, live, fare thee well.
quick, nimble, prompt, rapid, swift, current;
— երագ or երագս, quickly, currently;
very soon.
cf. Երագ.
cf. Արագագիր.
that goes, that walks quick, rapid, prompt.
cf. Արագազ.
cf. Արագաթռիչ.
cf. Արագալուր.
cf. Արագախաղաց.
that points, that begins to appear soon.
soon thawed or lique-fled.
cf. Արագահաս.
that runs rapidly (steed).
subtle, brisk, cunning, ingenious, sly.
subtilty, slyness
soon changed.
cf. Վաղտանցուկ.
cf. Արագաշարժ.
quickly, rapidly.
that darts forward, that runs quick, quick.
that fails, soon or easily mistaken.
that passes, that dies soon, transitory, transient.
soon ruined.
quick, nimble, prompt, diligent.
cf. Երագայեղ.
cf. Արագաքայլ.
to make haste, to hasten;
to double the pace, to go quicker, to run, to trot;
to accelerate, to hasten, to press.
quick, that runs quick, nimble, swift.
light or swift of foot;
brisk, nimble.
quickness, celerity, velocity, swiftness;
velocity, speed;
— անկիւնային, angular, circular velocity.
velocity, swiftness;
haste, hurry;
— տեսանել, to dream, to have a dream, to dream a dream, cf. Երազիմ;
եւ ոչ յերագի անգամ տեսանել, not even to dream of;
գեղեցիկ —ս տեսանել, to have pleasant, or bright dreams;
ցնորք զահանգելի խօլական —ոց, spectres or monstruous visions, dreadful, ghastly, frightful dreams;
յերազս լինել, յերազի անցք անցանել, to have a nocturnal pollution, a lascivious dream;
— է կեանք մարդոյ, life is but a dream.
that explains dreams.
cf. Երազափորձ.
cf. Երազահմայ;
— երազոց, dreamer, visionary.
explanation of dreams
one irocritic, diviner by means of dreams;
— լինիմ, to divine by means of dreams.
fanatical, visionary.
cf. Յերազանամ.
visionary, enthusiast, fanatic.
that shows, that explains dreams.
subject to pollution during sleep.