horse, palfrey;
saddle or riding-horse;
— քաջնթաց, pad, ambling nag, stead;
cf. Ձի.
horse, of a horse, equestrian.
having many horses.
to ride;
to lead, to guide.
cavalcade, riding-horse.
young man, young gentleman;
թէ գոյր —ի գիտութիւն եւ ծերոյն զօրութիւն, if young folks had experience, and old ones strength.
youthful, juvenile, young.
to be or become a young man, to make one's self look young again.
gymnasium, circus.
youth, youth-fulness, adolescence;
young people, young folks;
յաստիս երիտասարդութեան, in earliest youth;
եւ — անցանէ, young men will be young men.
Young woman, girl, maiden, lass
cf. Երիցս.
more ancient, ancient, elder, eldest, senior;
first, principal.
group of priests.
priest's wife;
companion of a senior or of a priest.
the priests.
to make senior, to raise, to advance.
antiquity, seniority, full ago;
cf. Երիցանի.
three times, trebly;
very, much;
— ատելի, very hateful, very odious;
— երանելի, very happy, thriee happy, blessed;
— անգամ, three times.
cf. Երիվար.
cf. Յերիւրեմ.
work, labour;
pain, trouble, toil;
—ս արկանել, to strive hard, to make an effort to, to tire one's self;
to endeavour, to try, cf. Ճգնեմ, cf. Վաստակեմ, cf. Ջանամ.
believing in two natures in Jesus Christ;
having two dwelling-places.
that looks through two apertures;
— զգայարանք, the eyes.
of two kinds, double.
iron weapon, sword, razor, nail;
— կակուխ, soft, malleable iron;
— գիւրայերձ, red-short iron, hot-short iron, red shear or sear iron;
— կալուանացեալ, galvanized iron;
— կռանահար, forged, tilted, bar, or malleable iron;
— հայելական, specular, oligist iron, iron ore;
— հրաբեր, pyrophoric iron;
— սպիտակ կամ թանագ, plate, white iron, tinned iron plate, tin, tin plate;
—ք, irons, chains, fetters, gyves;
— հնոտի, old iron;
կոտորք —ոյ, grape shot;
սայր —ոյ, tag;
վաճառական —, smith, blacksmith;
պատել —ով, to bind or mount with iron;
բազմախողխող —, sharp;
—ի դար, iron age;
կռանել զ— մինչ տարաշէկն է, to beat the iron while it is hot.
furnished with iron;
fastened with iron, nailed.
written with a style or large needle, capital;
capital letter.
blacksmith, forger;
cf. Երկաթագամ.
cf. Ստերիւրեմ.
cf. Ստերջ.
cf. Ըստ.
cf. Ըստ.
cf. Ուրջու.
curled in form of crown or diadem, curled, crisp.
placing the crown on the kings head;
having the hereditary office of crowning the king at his coronation;
— լինել, to crown.
հանդէս թագադրութեան, inauguration.
crowned, adorned with a crown.
cf. Թագազարդ.
to crown, to adorn with a crown.