that changes with difficulty, immutable.
cf. Դժուարափոխ.
rotting with difficulty.
cf. Դժուարարձակ.
who staggers in walking.
most painful.
difficult to examine, to scrutinize.
difficult to tame, to domesticate.
cf. Դժուարընդել.
that has trouble in conceiving or understanding;
difficult to understand, ohscure.
to be angry, enraged, vexed, offended;
to have trouble or difficulty.
difficult to understand, ohscure, unintelligible.
difficult, hard, impracticable, painful, laborious, fatiguing, grievous, unpleasant, vexatious, thorny, delicate, imposing;
heavy, weighty, onerous, rough, rugged.
vexatious, difficult.
difficult to be caught in hunting or fishing.
cf. Դժուարորս.
difficulty, trouble, fatigue, distress, perplexity, intrigue, inconvenience, contrariety;
difficult point, knot, hinderance, obstacle;
asperity, rigidity;
բայց ոչ առանց դժուարութեան, but not without fatigue;
բառնալ զ—, to smoothe difficulties;
— կրել, to meet with difficulties;
—ս հանել, to make difficulties;
յաղթել դժուարութեանց, to overcome difficulties.
difficult to learn;
who learns with difficulty.
rugged, impracticable, rude, rough.
hard, raw, harsh.
cf. Դժուար.
to confound, to convince, to cover with shame.
traitorous, disloyal;
wicked, malicious.
cf. Դրժանք.
to defraud;
to deceive.
fraud, infidelity, perfidy, non-observance;
snare, contravention;
cf. Դժրողութիւն.
cheat, infidel, perfidious, disloyal, traitorous.
cf. Դժրիչ.
that dresses a dead body.
to dress a dead body;
to embalm;
to bury.
act of dressing a dead body;
act of embalming;
to disinter, to strip dead bodies.
that carries, buries the dead.
didrachm, piece of money;
cf. Երկդրամեան.
on the contrary.
that exposes himself, that ventures, adventurous, hazardous;
hold, insolent;
— լինել, to expose one's self, to venture
cf. Դիմագրաւ լինիմ.
cf. Դիմագրաւ լինիմ.
boldness, courage, assurance.
that resists, opposes;
contumacious, disobedient, contrary.
to oppose, resist.
cf. Դիմադարձեմ.
opposition, resistance, contrariety.
opponent, contrary.
cf. Դիմադարձեմ.
cf. Դիմադարձութիւն.
mask, person masked.