jewish, judaical.
as Judas, like a traitor, treacherously, traitorously.
—ք, the tribes of Israel.
kiss, embrace;
sweetness, affability, familiarity;
union, joint, joining together;
sweet-tempered, affable, benign, gentle, mild, meek;
propitious, favourable;
agreeing, unanimous;
— ձեռաց, hand-kissing;
յուդայի, մատնչի, a traitor's kiss;
— տալ ումեք, to embrace, to kiss;
to buss;
տալ միմեանց — խաղաղութեան, to give the kiss of peace;
ի — ածել, to familiarize, to tame, to domesticate;
հաշտ եւ — առնել, — յարդարել, to appease, to calm, to pacify, to reconcile;
գալ ի —, to get or grow tame, familiar, to be tamed;
— եւ կամակ բարս ստանալ, to be good-tempered, gentle, amiable.