cf. Դիւրագայթ.
very cheap, of little value, vile, common;
— վաճառել, to sell at a very low price.
common, ordinary;
easy to be found or understood;
— լինել, to be found easily.
easy to walk, commodious, easy.
cf. Դիւրագնաց.
easier, very commodious.
that makes or is made easily, easy.
tender, pitiful.
hasty, fretful;
flexible, supple.
that turns easily, mutable, changeable;
cf. Դիւրադարձ.
that is easily deceived.
sensible, tender, delicate, susceptible.
that escapes easily.
that fades easily.
rolling, that is easily rolled.
flexible, compliant, supple, pliable, pliant.
flexibility, suppleness, fickleness.
easily kindled or inflamed.
condescending, compliant;
gentle, easy, commodious.
easily deceived, that can be taken, dupe.
fragile, frail.
pliable, pliant.
easily consumed.
easy to recognise.
to bear or produce easily.
that engenders easily.
cf. Դիւրածին.
that burns or is burnt easily.
docile, disciplinable.
flexible, supple.
decayed, ruinous, that falls easily.
portable, that can easily be carried.
that liquefies or melts easily.
cf. Դիւրակոր.
that can be easily related.
mild, affable, gentle
that agrees easily with his enemies.
that happens quickly;
easy, conceivable, that can be easily understood.
that causes easily to comprehend.
easy, condescending;
credible, that can be easily believed.
credulity, simplicity.
credulous, that believes easily.
credulity, facility of believing readily.