noble, valiant;
very strong, powerful, mighty.
vigour, valour, power.
of a fine colour.
very dark, as black as ebony;
— հերք, raven locks.
soaring very high.
very active, quick, industrious.
bald, hairless.
high-breasted, broadbreasted, robust, intrepid.
very good, excellent, honest, upright;
— այր, honest man.
excellence, probity, honesty.
fluent, eloquent.
encouraging, inspiriting;
— լինել, —ս մատուցանել, տալ, to rouse the courage, to give heart to, to inspirit;
cf. Քաջալերեմ;
—ս առնուլ, to pluck up courage, to take heart, to cheer up.
exhortative, encouraging.
to encourage, to give courage, to animate, to reanimate, to invigorate, to incite, to embolden, to cheer up.
to take courage, to be inspirited;
—լերեա՛ց, courage ! be courageous, take heart, don't be disheartened, cheer up !.
encouragement, exhortation, comfort;
attentive, mindful, docile, meek.
good temper.
cf. Բարեխնամ.
judicious, wise, prudent.
abounding in grass or fodder.
giving or suggesting good counsel, wise.
good sense, wisdom, prudence.
cf. Քաջաբան.
well blossomed, adorned or ornamented with pretty flowers, full-blown, flourishing.
well known;
well versed, expert.
well timbered, abounding in woods.
enjoying a vigorous old age.
a prosperous or happy old age.
the having many children;
fecundity, fruitfulness.
having many children, prolific, fecund;
fruitful, rich, fertile.
well prepared, dressed;
strong constitutioned.
good furniture;
strong or iron constitution.
possessed, demoniacal.
well ordered, regulated, disposed.
good order, nice disposition.
cf. Անպարտելի.
sightly, comely, handsome.
sightliness, comeliness.
well disciplined, educated, instructed, versed or exercised.
very robust, vigorous, valorous;
cf. Քաջաձիգ.
very solid, well beaten or hammered.
very religious.
very pleasant, most agreeable.
sharp-eyed, acute-looking.
cf. Հօրամոյն.
very talented, full of intelligence, witty.
of lofty stature, tall, well-shaped.