cf. Ճարտարախօս.
skilfully, artfully, dexterously, ingeniously, industriously, adroitly, cleverly;
cunningly, craftily.
very skilful, very clever;
good connoisseur;
having a good hand-writing.
master workman, skilled artisan;
well made, executed with great skill.
very attentive, examining or exploring diligently.
deceiving adroitly;
cunning, artful, astute.
speaking well, eloquent, fluent;
good speaker, orator, declamer.
to speak with eloquence or art, as an orator.
speaking well, fluency of speech, eloquence.
drawing, painting well.
throwing or shooting skilfully.
ingenious, industrious, witty, full of wit.
to tax one's ingenuity, to discover, to find out, to invent, to contrive, to sophisticate, to subtilize.
cf. Ճարտարմտութիւն.
to apply oneself to, to study, to think of a device;
to become industrious, ingenious, skilful, dexterous, adroit.
painting skilfully, in a masterly manner;
painted with art or skill.
ingenious invention, fiction, artifice, cavil.
master, author;
skilled, well versed, very skilful.
architectural, architectonic.
to be the architect of, to build or construct with art.
great skill or dexterity in art.
cleverly, skilfully, dexterously.
cf. Ճարտասան.
insidious, artful, crafty.
cf. Ճարտարագործ.
to render skilful, dexterous.
to exercise one's wits, to seek expedients, to devise means, to invent;
to make use of stratagems, to use artifices, wiles, shifts;
to pretend to be learned, to affect learning;
մի՛ ճարտարեր առաւել, զի մի՛ թիւրեսցիս, let the cobbler stick to his last.
cf. Հնարիմաց.
acuteness, perspicacity, penetration;
dexterity, address, cleverness;
sophistry, cavilling, pettifogging, sophism, subtlety, quirk.
art, skill, ability, dexterity, address;
cunning, subtlety, artifice, prank, feint, policy, sharpness;
penetration, sagacity, presence of mind;
knowledge, erudition;
genius, bent;
ճարտարութեամբ, dexterously, cleverly, adroitly, artfully, craftily, cunningly;
ձեռագործ, մշակական, տուր եւառիկ —, manufacturing, agricultural, commercial industry;
լար ճարտարութեան, lead plummet.
cf. Ճարտրուկ.
truth-speaking, truthful, veracious.
to speak or tell the truth, to verify, to confirm.
truthfulness, veracity.
cf. Ճշմարիտ.
judging equitably, just, equitable.
cf. Ճշմարտաբան.
truthless, that has lost the sight of truth;
far from the truth, false.
orthodox, having a true belief, believing, faithful;
of sound mind.
worshipping truth.
adoration, worship of the truth.
relating or narrating the truth;
faithfully and truly reporting or reported, veridical, true, veritable.
cf. Ճշմարտիւ.
truthful, sincere, upright.
truthfully, sincerely, uprightly.
love of truth, veracity, sincerity, equity.