presumptuous, arrogant;
—ք, portal.
cf. Նախայայտնի.
to manifest previously.
accented on the penultimate.
circumflected on the antepenult.
the first to attack, skirmisher, sharpshooter;
— լինել, to attack the first, to begin or engage the battle, to open the skirmish.
cf. Նախայաւիտենական.
existing before all ages, eternal, self-existent, increate;
— որդի, the Son of God before all eternity.
aforesaid, above-mentioned.
predisposed, willing.
delineated or designed beforehand;
prototype, original.
to sketch or describe beforehand;
to trace, to shadow, to delineate, to symbolize, to represent.
figure, shading.
envy, jealousy;
rancour, hatred;
emulation, rivalry;
zeal, fervour, warmth;
տիրասէր —, attachment, affection;
առ —ու, enviously, invidiously;
— կրել յումեքէ, to be envied;
—ու մաշիլ, to pine away with envy, to be eaten up with;
ի —բարկութեան բրդիլ, to burst with envy;
ի — բարկութեան բրդիլ, to burst with envy;
առնուլ, բերել, ի — բերիլ, մտանել, to envy, to be envious of, to grow jealous, to bear envy, cf. Նախանձեմ;
to rival, to vie with;
— արկանել յոք, ի — ածել զոք, to fill with jealousy or envy, cf. Նախանձեցուցանեմ;
to move, excite or provoke to emulation;
ի — գրգռել զոք, to arouse the jealousy of, to create envy;
խնդրել զ—, to revenge, to take vengeance;
վառիլ —ու ընդ, to become jealous;
ի — վառիլ ընդ ումեք, to be jealous of;
— դնել, to emulate, to rival;
ի — նմանութեան ուրուք կրթիլ, to emulate a person, to desire to imitate him;
— առաքինութեան դնել ընդ ումեք, to desire to emulate a person's virtues;
— առնել, to fascinate, to charm, to bewitch, to cast a spell on;
ո՜ անմիտ գաղատացիք, ո՞ — արար զձեզ, o foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you?.
dying with envy, full of envy, envious, jealous;
— առնել, to move to envy, to provoke to jealousy, cf. Նախանձեցուցանեմ.
cf. Նախանձիմ;
cf. Նախանձաբեկիմ.
to bear envy, to envy, to be jealous of, to grow invidious, to be tormented with envy;
to rival, to vie with, to emulate;
— զնախանձ տեառն, to burn with zeal for the Lord.
full of envy, very invidious.
zeal, fervour, warmth;
envy, jealousy.
inspiring, raising or provoking envy.
zealous, full of zeal, desirous, ardent, fervent;
zealot, emulator, rival, competitor;
envious, jealous;
— լինել, to be zealous;
to bear envy, to be envious of;
to vie with.
zeal, emulation, rivalry;
enviousness, jealousy;
վատ —, paltry jealousy.
enviable, worthy of envy;
to be wished for, desirable.
to raise envy, to cause envy, to excite or awake jealousy;
— ի բարի նախանձս, to incite to emulation;
— զաստուած, to excite the jealousy or anger of the Almighty.
emulating, vying;
jealous, rival, emulous, full of emulation;
with emulation, wying with each other;
— ջանք, emulation, rivalry;
— կիրք, jealousy;
— լինել, գալ, to emulate, to vie with.
cf. Նախանձորդ.
cf. Նախանձորդ.
envious, jealous, invidious;
emulous, rival.
to raise, inspire, cause or rouse envy or jealousy;
— միմեանց, to grow mutually jealous;
to emulate one another.
fore-runner, precursor;
preliminary, introduction.
author or cause of all evil, the Devil.
preservative, prophylactic, preserver.
prejudice, prepossession, prevention.
worthy of the greatest honours, of greater consequence, first in dignity, most esteemed, honoured, preferred;
— լինել ումեք, to be preferred to another, to obtain the preference.
first cause, author (God).
foretelling, predicting.
to tell, narrate or announce beforehand.
ancient history.
counter-guard, rampart, parapet, bulwark.
to respect, to honour most, to pay the highest honour to.
predicted, announced beforehand.
preeminence, preference, advantage.
to prepare beforehand, to predispose.
preparation, predisposition.