red colour.
nerve, sinew;
nervous, muscular, vigorous, robust, strong, sturdy.
robustness, sturdiness, strength, vigour.
able, capable, clever;
rich, wealthy;
— լինել, cf. Կարողանամ.
to be able, capable, to be in a state or a way to.
powerfully, according to ones power, strength or ability.
to enable, to make capable, to capacitate, to empower;
to strengthen, to invigorate.
power, authority;
might, strength, force;
faculty, capacity, ability;
competence, means, resources, wealth;
—ք, faculties.
վայրի —, parsley.
կրպակ —ի, -'s shop, workshop, cobblers stall.
to make boots & shoes.
boot & shoe-making, shoe-maker's calling.
cf. Կարողութիւն.
chamber pot.
in want of;
needy, necessitous, poor, indigent;
desirous, anxious, eager;
want, need, necessity, poverty, indigence;
desire, wish, longing;
— լինել, to want, to need, to be or stand in want of;
— նմալ, գտանիլ, to be in a state of privation, to be unprovided with, to be without;
— ամենայնիւ, in want of all things, poverty-stricken, destitute;
ոչ իւիք կարօտեմ, I want for nothing.
indigent, necessitous.
very desirous, most anxious, longing, burning for, eager, impatient.
cf. Կարօտիմ.
cf. Կարօտութիւն.
to render indigent, to reduce to poverty.
in want of, unprovided, bare of, out of, without, poor, needy, necessitous, indigent.
to be in want of, to be in needy circumstances, to be indigent or necessitous;
to want, to need;
to desire, to wish, to long or sigh for, to pant after;
չ— իմիք, to want for nothing, to possess in plenty, to revel in abundance, to be in the enjoyment of every good thing;
ոչ եւս — ումեք, to dispense with one's aid or assistance, to do without one;
— հացի, ջրոյ, քնոյ, to be hungry, thirsty, sleepy.
indigence, penury, want, necessity, poverty, misery, destitution;
desire, wish;
անհնարին, ծայրագոյն —, great need of;
extreme poverty, utter destitution;
փղձկիլ կարօտութեամբ, to desire eagerly, to long or sigh for, to pant after;
— կարօտութեամբ ուտել զհաց կամ ըմպել զջուր to fare hard, to live upon bad cheer;
to champ the bit.
remnants of troops, wreck of an army;
cf. Ժողովեմ.
cf. Կաց մնաց.
horse-soldier, trooper.
child, youth;
scholar, pupil.
axe, hatchet.
staying, standing up;
state, position.
solemn or general assembly;
reunion, popular gathering;
festival day, fair-day;
solemnity, pomp;
solemn games, spectacle;
hymn, canticle.
to establish, to place, to set, to lay, to fix, to put;
to constitute, to institute, to create, to destine;
to render, to make;
to stop, to cause to cease;
իշխան, տէր —, to constitute chief or master, to promote to high dignity;
շնորհապարտ —, to favour, to oblige;
ժառանգ —, to appoint a heir;
հղօր՝ երջանիկ —, to make powerful, happy.
concerning to general assemblies, or to solemn festivals, solemn, festive, pompous;
demonstrative (style).
to assemble together, to feast;
to make merry.
behaviour, conduct, tenour of life.
clay, argil, potter's earth;
mud, mire, dirt.
bricklaying, brickwork, masonry;
ի —ի կալ, to make bricks.
clay-work or hrick-work.
covered with clay.
made of clay, of brick or terracotta.
argillaceous, clayey.
to change into lute or mud.
bank, dike.
formed from the clay.
ruffian, pander, pimp, go-between;
կին —, procuress, bawd, go-between.
pimping, a pimp's or bawds trade, pandarium, procurement.