cf. Երեւակ.
— գտանել, ունել, to get a hold on.
wrestling-place, palcestra, arena, lists, tilt-yard;
cf. Կռուանոց.
cf. Կռուանոց.
quarrelsome, quarrel-lous, shrewish;
wrangler, brawler;
disputer, caviller, sophist.
quarrelsomeness, pugnacity.
contentious, litigious, quarrelsome, fractious, wrangling, mischief-making, meddlesome.
cavil, chicanery, contention, dispute.
to set by the ears, to incite to strife, to urge to war.
cf. Կռուիմ.
to take offence, to wrangle, to strive, to contend, struggle or dispute with, to debate, to contest, to quarrel;
to skirmish, to grapple with each other, to clash together, to fight, to come to blows;
to take hold of, to cleave to, to cling, adhere or stick to, to hold fast by, to catch or grasp at, to get entangled in;
— ընդ միմեանս, to beat one another, to fight together;
to quarrel;
թօթափել զփոշին կռուեալ, to shake the dust off one's foot;
ի բեւեռ կռուեցաւ հանդերձ նորա, his coat is caught by a nail.
parietary, pellitory.
the -;
fisticuff, blow with a fist;
blame, reproach;
կռուփս հանել, to pommel, to cuff, to box, to beat with the fist.
crunk, crunkle (of the crane).
to caw (as a crow).
cuffed, beaten.
cf. Կռփեմ.
cf. Կռուփ.
cf. Կռփանք.
boxing-match, fight with fists;
pugilism, boxing;
cf. Կռփամարտ.
blow with a fist;
ill treatment, atrocious offence, wrong, injury.
cf. Կռուփս հանեմ;
to vex, to plague, to use ill, to injure or affront contumeliously, to outrage;
— զաղքատս, to smite with the fist of wickedness;
to trample the poor under foot, to oppress.
who strikes with the fist;
who uses harshly.
cf. Կռփանք.
smart, smarting, tingling;
twinge, twitch, sharp pain;
regret, vexation, displeasure, evil, affliction, heart-rending anguish.
smarting, poignant, sharp, acute;
bitter, mournful, sorrowful, painful, woeful, sad;
cf. Կսկծագին.
cf. Կսկծագին.
caustic, biting, very painful, vexatious.
cf. Կսկիծ;
causticity, bitterness, sarcasm, taunt, scoff, mockery;
կսկծանաց բանք, sharp, cutting, outrageous expressions.
biting, cutting, satiric, poignant, tart;
witty, sarcastic, mordacious, keen, venomous, taunting, virulent, grievous, harrowing;
բանք —ք, keen words, bickering, teazing, taunt, rub, wipe.
to smart, to make smart, to cause pain;
to peck at, to bite, to taunt, to scoff;
— զսիրտ, to break a persons heart, to grieve most deeply, to wound, to rend, to harrow;
— զոք բանիւք, to nettle, to sting, to pique one with taunting or satirical words.
cf. Կսկծելի.
to be in pain, in sorrow or affliction;
to grieve, to take to heart, to mourn for, to feel very sorry, to be too much vexed;
to repine at.
well baked bread.
cf. Ոզրեմ.
— տալ, to pinch.
will, testament, last will testament;
— առնել, to make one's will;
կտակաւ տալ՝ թողուլ, to bequeath by will, to leave a legacy to;
կատարել զ—, to execute a will.
to make one's will.
executor of a will.