ground, earth;
the buttocks;
— հայրենի or հայրենեաց, native land or country, birth-place, home;
— գետոց, canal, bed of a river;
— աղիւսակերտ, brick pavement;
— սալայատակ, stone pavement;
— նաւու, keel of a ship;
առ —աւ կործանել, քանդել մինչեւ ց— or —ս, to raze to the ground, to level or lay even with the ground, to demolish, to raze or pull down;
to sap, to undermine;
լի լինել գետոյն յամ —ս իւր, to be swelled very high, to rise, to swell beyond, to overflow.
of which the bottom or bed is exposed;
— բաժանել զծով, to divide the sea and lay bare its bed.
growing straight.
առնուլ զ— քաղաքի, to trace or take the plan of a town.
to freeze, to be frozen.
solidly bottomed;
to raze to the ground, to cast down, to dismantle, to cast to the earth, to overthrow, to destroy, to demolish utterly;
to exterminate, to annihilate, to kill, to cause to perish;
to pave, to flag, to cover with pavement.
practicable road.
dregs, lees, sediment;
cf. Մրուր.
destroyer, exterminator;
idiom, idiotism.
properly, specially, particularly, expressly, precisely.
cf. Յատուկ.
to be appropriated, separated, distinguished.
precise, narrated in detail, detailed, particularized.
cf. Յատկաբար.
to appropriate, to appropriate to oneself, to make one's own.
genitive or possessive case.
own, essential.
property, attribute, particular, peculiarity, peculiar character;
— լեզուի, the character or genius of a language.
proper, own, particular, special, peculiar, private;
essential, natural;
alone, separate;
singular, unexampled, alone of its kind;
cutting, sharp, taunting (answer);
cf. Յատկաբար;
— անուն, proper name.
ever-springing, ever reviving.
apposite, addible;
ever-living, imperishable, everlasting, permanent, perpetual;
continually, always, incessantly;
constantly, eternally;
celestial hemisphere.
cf. Յարակայիմ.
to confirm, to affirm;
to eternize, to perpetuate.
to be permanent, stable, to continue, to last, to be perpetual, to endure for ever.
cf. Մշտնջենաւորութիւն.
preter-perfect or compound;
to add, to subjoin, to conjoin.
perpetual order;
perpetually burning or burnt.
very erudite, learned.
adjoining, contiguous, joined, united, connected;
— մասնիկ, particle, affix, suffix;
—ք, accessories;
attendant circumstances.
cf. Յարածուփ.
cf. Յարակցապէս.
conjointly, connectedly;
to join, to conjoin, to connect, to league.
to be joined, united, conjoined or connected.
con junction, connexion, coherence, cohesion, adhesion;
— գաղափարաց, association of ideas;
— ընտրական, elective affinity.
to accompany everywhere.
circumflected on the penultimate.
cf. Յարասութիւն.
persevering, steadfast, permanent, everlasting;
eternal, perpetual, endless.
to appose, to subjoin, to add;
to confront.
respectful, deferent.
like straw.
roof-tree, roof, home, house;
shelter, refuge, cover;
— բնակութեան, abode, dwelling;
ընդ —աւ, under shelter, under cover, in security, secure or sheltered from;
— ի վիմի, tomb, sepulchre;
բառնալ զ—ն, to unroof.