cf. Դիմամարտ.
to oppose, to resist.
war, contrast, opposition, resistance, enmity, adversity.
cf. Ընդդիմանամ.
of prosopopoeia, that partakes of prosopopoeia;
allegorical, metaphorical.
metaphor, allegory.
personal, having the person.
to run, to fall upon one, to run to, to rush, to dart;
to have recourse, to apply.
tendency, decline;
to make run or to rush on.
cf. Դիմեցումն.
cf. Դիպան պատահեմ.
to cause to touch or strike.
to happen, to arrive by chance;
to match, to suit.
accident, occurrence, chance;
meeting, rencounter;
to be killed on the spot;
— արկանել or առնել, to kill one on the spot.
cf. Դիտեմ.
to consider, to look, to observe, to remark, to recognise, to see, to stare;
to leer;
to spy, to watch;
to examine, to study;
to speculate, to contemplate;
to consult;
to look, to aim;
to aim at, to tend;
to expect, to mean, to intend.
sight, aim;
composed by the gods.
to be furious, enraged, to play the devil.
that has a devilish will;
that is desired by the devil, diabolic.
to be possessed;
to play the devil, to be enraged.
cf. Դիւահարեմ.
sorcerer, magician.
sorcery, magic.
devoted to the worship of the devil.
cf. Դիւամոլ.
to torment, to play the devil, to enrage.
to charm, to enchant, to conjure, to fascinate.
that fades easily.
to bear or produce easily.
that can be easily related.
mild, affable, gentle
adhesive, viscous.
tenacity, viscosity, adhesive quality.
what soon wears out.
accostable, accessible.
disciplinable, docile.
easy to digest, light.
easy to die.
cf. Դիւրահուպ.
cf. Մոռացկոտ.
that enters easily, insinuating;
— լինել, to enter easily.
gentle, affable, tractable, flexible, supple;
sweet, agreeable to the taste.