narcotine (one of the active principles of opium).
numbness, stupefaction;
sleepiness, drowsiness, doziness;
թօթափել զ—, to awake up from one's stupor;
անկանել ի խոր —, to fall in a profound lethargy.
cf. Թմբրացաւ.
cf. Թմբրեցուցանեմ.
cf. Թմբրեցուցիչ.
cf. Թմբրիմ.
cf. Թմբրութիւն.
to tremble, to quake, to agitate;
to move, to disturb, to get angry;
to beat, to palpitate.
cf. Թնդամ;
to resound, to boom, to make a noise or uproar, to echo;
to shake, to agitate violently;
to stun, to stupify with noise, to deafen.
cf. Թնդամ.
cf. Թնդեմ.
cf. Թնդիւն.
to be astonished, surprised, enraptured, amazed;
to grow stupid.
to seize;
to take by force.
to plunder, to pillage, to ravage.
to recommend.
rebellious, disobedient, refractory, contumacious, factious, seditious;
—ք, conspirators;
ժողով, միաբանութիւն —աց, conspiracy.
to rebel, to revolt, to mutiny, to conspire;
— ի հաւատոց, to apostatize, to abjure religion.
cf. Ապստամբեմ.
to excite to sedition, to stir up to rebellion, to cause to revolt.
cf. Ապստամբ.
rebellion, revolt, mutiny, sedition, faction, revolution.
to slap, to buffet.
cf. Ապտակալից առնեմ.
to box, to slap, to cuff.
cf. Ապրիշում.
to deliver, to set at liberty;
to save, to preserve.
to live;
to obtain freedom, to escape, to fly.
cf. Մետաքս.
cf. Բաղսամոն.
cf. Աջակողմն.
to the right, on the right side;
յ— դասու, to the right.
right side, right hand;
— նաւու, starboard;
յաջակողման, to the right.
to aid, to assist, to succour;
to league, to confederate.
kissing of the hand;
to veil, to cover with a veil or curtain;
to cloak under a pretence, to mask;
to set sail, to make sail, to sail.
to attribute, to ascribe;
to prefix, to put before;
to set, to apply, to put, to join, to add;
to establish, to appoint, to make.
to proverb, to speak proverbs;
to speak figuratively.
cf. Առակաբանեմ.
to expose to public notice;
to conceal, to hide;
to dissemble, to play the hypocrite.
to allegorize, to make use of parables;
to confront, to compare, to resemble;
to expbse to public censure.
simile, allegory, parable;
public censure.
cf. Այժմ.
to retire, to withdrow.
to be appropriate.
to lose ones head, to rave, to talk nonsense;
to surpass, to go to extremes.
to set before, to place before, to propose;
to intend, to design.
front, forepart.