to propose, to offer;
to propose for consideration.
to Conduct, to lead, to guide, to command, to head, to rule, to govern, to direct, to escort, to accompany.
to tie with string;
to cord.
to tell tales, to talk nonsense.
who tells idle stories, novelist, who spreads news;
cf. Առասպելաբանեմ.
to give bountifully, liberally, to gratify, to favour.
liberal, noble, generous, magnanimous;
ingenious, intelligent.
generosity, liberality;
abundance, fertility of mind, intelligence.
to abound, to increase, to augment;
to overflow;
to run over;
to be bountiful, generous;
to be proud;
to be angry, to be in a passion.
to fill, to heap up;
to augment.
to object, to oppose.
cf. Առարկանեմ.
cf. Առաւելում.
cf. Առաւելում.
to favour, to advantage;
to increase, to augment, to enlarge, to grow, to multiply, to accumulate, to amass;
to raise, to enhance.
to grow, to increase, to augment;
to ahound, to superahound, to overflow;
to be redundant;
to overcome, to surpass, to exceed, to excel, to predominate, to prevail;
to remain.
to dawn, to get light.
cf. Առաւօտ առնեմ.
to send, to dispatch, to expedite;
անդրէն —, to send back, to return.
to labour, to strive, to take pains, to have or show bravery;
tu be virtuous.
to render valiant, to inspire courage;
to render virtuous.
cf. Առաքինացուցանեմ.
cf. Առաքինանամ.
mission, emission.
to bring, to carry;
to present, to offer.
to propose, to set over;
to put, to insert;
to suppose, to believe.
to undo;
to untie, to dissolve, to ruin;
to explain an enigma.
cf. Առեղծանեմ.
to rap, to seize, to carry off.
cf. Առեւանգեմ.
to take away, to carry off.
to throw, to push;
to despise, to abandon.
to occasion, to cause, to produce, to engender.
new found, recent, new fashion.
recent, new;
presently, immediately;
soon, forthwith, directly, suddenly;
առժամայս, at present, now;
for the present.
the present world, things temporal;
the moderns.
cf. Ժամանակ.
temporal, perishable;
cf. Առժամանակեայ.
cf. Առժամանակեայ.
cf. Ժամ.
to become like a lion.
cf. Առիւծաբար.
to make to become like a lion.
to fill, to fill to the brim, to brim.
cf. Խթեմ.
to settle, to fix, to determine.
to establish, to fix, to constitute.
to flame very little, to be nearly extinguished.