compression, straining, pressing, squeezing;
— մարմնոյ, mortification, maceration.
to speak truth, to assure, to verify, to prove, to demonstrate.
to paint to life.
cf. Ճշմարտապատում.
to verify, to prove the truth, to certify, to assure;
diligently or exactly to investigate;
to seek with accuracy, to inform oneself minutely;
cf. Ճշգրտեցուցանեմ.
to resemble life itself, to depict faithfully, to cause to resemble;
ո՞ —եաց ղզաւակն յակոբայ, who can number the seed of Jacob ?
to spare, to be saving, to economize, to be parsimonious, stingy;
to settle, to adjust;
cf. Ճշգրտեմ.
true, unquestionable, real, certain, sure;
veridical, faithful, upright, frank, sincere;
in truth, truly, indeed, really, in realty, verily;
— իցէ ? is it true ?
truth-speaking, truthful, veracious.
to speak or tell the truth, to verify, to confirm.
truthfulness, veracity.
cf. Ճշմարիտ.
judging equitably, just, equitable.
cf. Ճշմարտաբան.
truthless, that has lost the sight of truth;
far from the truth, false.
orthodox, having a true belief, believing, faithful;
of sound mind.
worshipping truth.
adoration, worship of the truth.
relating or narrating the truth;
faithfully and truly reporting or reported, veridical, true, veritable.
cf. Ճշմարտիւ.
truthful, sincere, upright.
truthfully, sincerely, uprightly.
love of truth, veracity, sincerity, equity.
enemy of truth, hating, detesting the truth.
seeing the truth;
having no respect for persons, severe, perspicacious.
cf. Ճշմարտատիպ.
true, real, exact, striking.
cf. Ճշմարտեմ.
preaching truth.
probing the truth;
well examined, sure, certain.
cf. Ճշմարտեցուցանեմ.
to aver, to verify, to certify, to justify, to assure, to show, to prove, to confirm.
truly, in truth, certainly, undoubtedly, effectively, unquestionably, in conscience;
really, in effect.
բուն —, plain truth;
— իրաց, the bottom or basis of things;
անպատրուակ ասել զ—, to tell the whole truth;
աղարտել զ—, to offend against truth;
ճշմարտութեամբ, cf. Ճշմարտիւ.
teaching truth.
cf. Ճոխաբանեմ.
to speak imperiously, authoritatively, presumptuously;
to abound in discourse, to amplify, to enlarge upon;
to talk high, to boast, to brag.
copious, abundant;
haughty, pompous, stately, lofty.
to have, take or exercise high authority or great ascendency over, to prevail, to rule over;
to give oneself great airs, to lord it, to carry it like a lord, to signorise;
to be proud, puffed up;
to grow rich, to abound, to thrive, to make a fortune;
— կործանմամբ այլոց, to build one's fortune on, or to raise oneself by the ruin of another.
to enrich, to make wealthy, to endow, to gift, to adorn;
— զոք պարգեւօք, to load with kindness, to heap up benefits, presents, honours upon one, to overwhelm with gifts.
cf. Ճոխաճեմ ;
having a majestic gait, walk, bearing or deportment.
to take off the hair, to depilate;
to arrange or play with the beard.
to deliver, to take away, to save, to free, to disengage, to set at liberty.
cf. Ճողոպրիմ.
to escape, to evade, to slip away, to get rid of, to disentangle;
cf. Մազապուր.
cf. Ճղփիւն.
to tear;
to haul, to drag or draw along.
to get bruised.