threatening, menacing.
to threaten, to menace, to utter threats against;
կործանումն —, to threaten with ruin.
eyeing in a threatening manner.
to skin over, to become cicatrized, healed, whole.
to whiten, to become white.
axle-tree, axle.
cf. Սաթ.
leg-armour, greaves.
cf. Ստահակեմ.
to acquire, to gain, to obtain, to get;
to have, to possess, to hold;
to purchase, to buy;
to create;
վերստին —, to regain, to re-acquire, to recover;
փառս —, to achieve glory.
to collocate or settle oneself.
cf. Առհաւատչեայ.
cf. Ռետինական.
to become griping, sordid.
plain-dealing, artless saying.
salsola, kali.
artless, ingenuous.
dwelling in Russia.
marcasite, iron-pyrites;
matricaria, feverfew, cardiaca, mother-wort.
cf. Այսգունակ.
to petrify, to become stone, to harden into stone.
thinly inhabited;
used by but few passengers.
cf. Սակաւաժամանակեան.
cf. Սակաւաժամանակեան.
of short duration, temporary.
requiring but little care.
to lessen, to grow less, to diminish, to decrease, to be reduced.
cf. Սակաւաժամանակ.
cf. Սակաւաժամանակ.
having but a few.
heavy, torrential, deluging.
furious as a torrent.
cf. Սահանահոս.
flowing like a cataract, impetuous, grand.
cf. Սահանաձայն.
noisy as a cataract, resounding, obstreperous;
drowned by a cataract.
sluice, lock, water-gate or flood-gate;
dam, mill-dam.
frontiers, confines, boundary line, bounds, limits.
resounding or murmuring from shore to shore.
institutor, legislator;
— ժողով, the Constituent.
— միապետութիւն, constitutional monarchy.
to fix the boundaries;
to constitute, to order, to regulate, to establish, to determine, to decide;
—դրեալ կէտ, the appointed day or time.
fixing the boundary, setting up landmarks;
ordinance, regulation;
prefect, governor;
bordering upon, confining, coterminous, limitary.
bordering upon, adjacent to;
բանիւ —աւ կապել, to excommunicate.
cf. Սահմանակողմն.