to leap, to skip, to bounce;
cf. Աքացեմ.
exile, ban, banishment, transportation.
cf. Աքսոր.
to exile, to banish, to transport, to send away, to confine, to proscribe.
cf. Աքացեմ.
cf. Ափիոն.
cf. Բաբախիւն.
cf. Հաղորդ.
cf. Բադրոն.
that puts forth branches, ramous (tree), branchy.
stretching of the arms.
cf. Բազպան.
redundancy of words, verbosity, polylogy.
abundance of words.
cf. Բազմաբեղ.
much fertility.
cf. Բազմաբիւր.
that flows abundantly.
that spreads much good scent.
abundance of mercy or clemency.
cf. Բազմագլխեան.
of many colours;
more, much, various.
very celebrated;
very praiseworthy;
that praises or is praised much.
cf. Բազմագով.
very mild, merciful, full of fondness, compassionate.
of a great assembly.
that has many colours or shapes, diverse, multifarious.
cf. Բազմագունակ.
very numerous, of many forces.
of several colours or shapes, diverse, multifarious;
— ակն, succinum (yellow amber), cf. Սաթ.
of many doors.
great variety, diversity.
cf. Բազմազեղ.
full of pleasures, very amusing.
populous, numerous;
great assembly, meeting, party;
crowd, multitude.
full of lights.
feastful, joyful, splendid, pompous.
that kills much.
a much sought;
— լինիմ, to make researches, to be curious, inquisitive, cf. Բազմախուզեմ, cf. Հետազօտեմ.
that has many tabernacles;
— սաղաւարտ, helmet of many crests.
full of victuals, splendid, magnificent entertainment or fare.
to seek much.
cf. Բազմաժողով.