dressed in new clothes.
arrived lately;
precocious, early, premature;
unexpected, sudden;
young, fresh.
young, tender.
new-married, bride.
cf. Նորաձեւեմ.
cf. Նորաձեւեմ.
cf. Նորաձեւեմ.
the fir st day of a month.
newly, recently, freshly.
newly crowned;
— հայրապետն լեւոն ժգ, Leo XIII, lately raised to the pontificate.
fond of novelty or news, modish, fashionable;
love of novelty, modishness.
newly fed, young, tender.
newly created, produced or invented.
cf. Նորաստեղծում.
to create, to recreate, to make anew.
cf. Նորանշան.
of a new kind or sort.
extraordinary, strange, paradoxical, prodigious, portentous.
cf. Նոր.
cf. Նորուսումն.
new-student or scholar.
դահլիճ —դիսի, concert-room.
humble, low, inferior, poor, mean, sorry, ignore, vile, contemptible, cringing, servile.
to speak submissively.
humbly, basely, vilely, ignobly.
low-spirited, poor-witted, weak-minded, abject, vile;
meek, gentle, lowly in heart;
— միտք, little minds.
weakness of intellect;
meekness, lowliness, humility.
cf. Նուաստ.
to humble, debase, undervalue or degrade oneself.
to humble, to abase, to lower, to degrade, to disparage;
— զանձն, to humble or degrade oneself.
degrading, debasing, vilifying.
abasement, undervaluing, humiliation, abjection, baseness, degradation, meanness, vileness;
առանց նուաստութեան, without meanness.
holy or great month.
cf. Նուք;
ի — երիվարի ելանել, նստել, to mount on horseback, to take horse.
receipt, recipe;
prescription, formula.
aid, assistance, succour, help, favour, subsidy, support, relief, resource, means;
ի —, in support of, on behalf or in favour of;
— մատուցանել, to aid, to succour, to help;
to care, to take care;
— լինել, cf. Նպաստեմ.
cf. Նպաստաւոր.
helping, succouring, propitious, favourable.
cf. Նպաստեմ.
cf. Նպաստեմ.
cf. Նպաստեմ.
cf. Նպաստ.
to help, to assist, to succour, to relieve;
to second, to favour, to supply, to serve, to contribute.
dark, dull, obscure, sad, gloomy, horrid;
cf. Նսեմութիւն.
cf. Նսեմ.
cf. Նսեմ.
to begin to lower, to darken, to become cloudy;
to be darkened, obscured, overclouded, eclipsed, tarnished.
obscure, gloomy, dismal;
— խաւար thick darkness.
to darken, to bedim, to blacken, to offuscate, to tarnish;
to eclipse.