fallen, demoralized.
in vain, uselessly, vainly, to no purpose;
vain, useless, futile, insignificant, common.
coquettish, given to dress.
cf. Ընդունայնաբան.
getting angry needlessly, causelessly.
cf. Վայրավատնիմ.
scattered about, dispersed, sporadical.
to be dispersed, scattered, thrown here and there.
cf. Վայրավատումն.
cf. Սրբան.
scattered about.
to depress, to lower, to humble, to abase.
circumscribed, bounded, limited, encircled, enclosed, surrounded, shut in on all sides.
cf. Գետնաքարշ;
— խորհուրդք, mean, grovelling, base thoughts.
giving oneself up to the vanities of the world, vileness, baseness.
to disperse, to sow.
like a savage, cruelly.
of savage nature or character, churlish, clownish, intractable, unsociable, rustic, coarse, rude.
living in the wilds, savage.
feeding on venison.
fierce, wild, savage, brutal, barbarous, ferocious, cruel.
to become savage, to grow inhuman, brutal, ferocious, cruel.
to brutalize, to render savage or ferocious;
to exasperate, to enrage.
rustic, unmannerly, clownish, boorish, ill-bred, uncivil, savage, ferocious, fierce.
savage nature, inhumanity, fierceness, ferocity, cruelty, brutality.
descent, going down.
wild, savage.
a moment, a little time, an instant;
եւ ոչ —, not a single instant, not one moment.
little was wanting to, it was very near, it almost.
to be dispersed, distracted.
cf. Վայրիջիմ.
to descend, to come down.
minute, moment, instant, point;
—, — մի, a moment, a little time;
ի — ժամանակի, ի միում վայրկենի, in a moment, at that moment, instantly;
directly, incontinently, instantaneously;
cf. Ժամ.
of a minute;
instantaneous, momentary.
cathode, negative pole.
from below;
— ի վեր, upwards.
living on this earth, terrestrial.
cf. Վանք.
cenobite, monk;
prior, superior, abbot;
conventual, claustral, monastical, cenobitical.
priorship, priorate, dignity of a prior;
monachism, monastic or conventual life.
monk, friar.
cohabiting, dwelling in the same convent or house.
hawk's bill turtle.
prior, superior, abbot, archimandrite.