cf. Անագորոյնութիւն.
insipid, tasteless, unsavoury;
hated, disliked.
cf. Անախորժ.
cf. Անախորժ.
without vices or passions, honestly, innocently.
not subject to diseases or passions.
incorruptible, unalterable;
without shame, impudently;
invariably, immutably, constantly.
unmarried (woman).
cf. Անանձն.
without rain, arid, dry.
undivided, inseparable.
banished or driven from his country;
captive, enslaved;
strange, foreign.
impartially, without respect of persons, justly;
rigorously, strictly, austerely.
cf. Անապաշաւ.
impenitence, obduracy.
loving solitude, or retired situations, retired, solitary.
cf. Անապատական.
dissolutely, lewdly, wantonly;
prodigally, lavishly.
without a guide or chief, indirected.
brutally, coarsely.
brutal, rude, ill-mannered.
having the form of a beast, brutish.
immaculate, without sin, innocent, irreproachable;
clear, refined;
intact, pure, whole, perfect.
holily, inviolably.
purity, uprightness, integrity, entire state.
immaculate, pure, holy.
sober, abstemious.
worthless, contemptible, vile, abject, despicable, ignoble.
unworthily, basely, dishonourably, vilely, meanly.
by an ignoble death, dying ingloriously.
that honours the humble.
to be debased;
to become abject or contemptible;
to lose value;
to humble or abase one's self.
affront, offence, wrong, insult;
indignity, slight, contempt, disgrace, shame, opprobrium, discredit, blame.
infertile, unfruitful, poor, barren, sterile.
barrenness, poorness, sterility.
formless, deformed, ugly, rugged.
free, unembarrassed;
without obstacle, freely.
freedom, state of any thing free from obstacle or hinderance.
to offend, to shock;
to despise, to depreciate, to disparage;
to disapprove, to disallow, to refuse, to reject;
to blame, to find fault with.
cf. Անարգ.
contemptuous, disdainful, haughty, offensive.
cf. Անարգիչ.
offence, slight, refusal, reprobation;
vileness, meanness, worthlessness;
յ— իջանել, to demean, to degrade one's self.
uneven, unpolished.
cf. Անարդ.