vine-dresser, husbandman, that cultivates the vine, wine-grower.
cultivation of the vine.
wine-grower, owner or master of the vineyard.
cf. Այգեգործ.
there, in that place.
just there, in the same place;
from the same place, again, over again, anew, afresh.
cf. Այդր.
air, atmosphere;
differently, otherwise;
allegorically, enigmatically.
cf. Այլաբանաբար.
in a different manner, otherwise, differently;
as an infidel, as a pagan, as a heathen.
of a different opinion.
transformed, transfigured;
changed, metamorphosed;
different, unlike;
disguised, masked;
յայլակերպս, incognito, in disguise;
յայլակերպս լինել, to be masked, to be in disguise, to disguise ones self;
to be transfigured;
to be metamorphosed, to be transformed;
— յորջորջումն, allegory, metaphor.
to transform;
to disguise, to mask, to change;
to transfigure;
to metamorphose.
to be transformed;
to be disguised;
to be transfigured.
transformation, disguise.
cf. Այլակերպութիւն.
of a different religion.
who speaks differently to what he thinks, double-faced or dealer.
cf. Այլաբանութիւն.
of a different sex;
of a different gender, kind or species;
heterogeneous, of a different nature or quality.
to change to a different gender or kind;
to make degenerate, to spoil.
of a different mode, fashion, manner.
elsewhere, in another place, in some other place.
cf. Այլուր.
goat-herd, peasant who drives the goats to feed.
flock of goats.
for that reason, therefore.
undeniable, incontestable.
cf. Անզօր.
inexperienced, without ability, — knowledge of.
յանհնարս մտանել, to get embarrassed, to be entangled, to want resources, to be reduced to extremities, not to know what to do;
յանհնարիցն է, it is impossible.
quite impossible;
very difficult.
impossible imaginary;
excessive, violent.
to be impossible;
to be irremediable, to be desperate.
extremely difficult;
insupportable, intolerable;
extreme, violent, excessive, enormous, horrible, terrible.
without fire;
that has no need of fire.
not haughty, humble, unpretending.
freedom from pride, humility.
inevitable, indispensable, necessary;
indispensably, necessarily, inevitably, irrevocably.
cf. Անկիրթ.
without permission or licence.
that does not allure or seduce.