theatrical, scenic;
— նկարք, scenery, scene;
— բանասերծութիւն, dramatic poetry, the drama.
matter, sanies, corrupted matter.
purulent, sanious.
cf. Թարախալից.
that draws off corrupted matter.
hindering the discharge of purulent matter.
to render sanious, to make purulent, to corrupt.
to become sanious, to be purulent, full of corrupted matter.
commentator, paraphrast;
— կալ, լինել ումեք, to be an interpreter.
to translate;
to interpret, to explain;
— յանպատրաստից, to translate off hand, extemporally, fluently;
— բառ առ բառ, to translate literally, word for word.
—ք. The Seventy, (translators of the Septuagint);
the Interpreters of the Armenian Scriptures.
translation, version;
interpretation, explanation;
ճոխագոյն, ընդարձակ —, paraphrase;
ազատ —, բառական —, free translation;
literal -.
written by translators.
by translation;
by interpretation.
twinkling of an eye, wink, twinkling, trice;
ի — ական, in a twinkling, in a trice, in a wink, in no time;
—ք, eye-lid.
cf. Թարթափումն.
to cause to loiter, or wander about, to lounge, to idle;
to skirmish, to divert;
to keep at bay, to occupy with, to distract;
to lull with vain hopes.
to wander, to loiter, to lounge about;
to be involved in difficulty, perplexed with business;
to haunt, to frequent;
ի — ական, cf. Թարթափ.
loitering, idling, lounge, sauntering;
perplexity, entanglement in business;
frequent resort;
— ական, cf. Թարթափ.
cf. Արտեւան.
sketch, essay.
freedom from taxation.
fresh, young, green, soft, tender.
vain, frivolous, useless;
vile, abject, inferior;
superadded, false, factitious, artificial;
freshness, verdure, greenness.
cf. Թառամեցուցանեմ.
cf. Թառամիմ.
cf. Առանց.
cf. Թաւալագլոր.
who makes or sews coarse articles.
full, thick, bushy, leafy, green, branchy.
in rolling, revolvingly, rolling along or down;
— խաղալ, to tumble dowrn, to roll down, to prostrate one's self;
to agitate one's self, to fall dead;
to be thrown down, to be upset;
to throw a somerset;
to throw ones self headlong, to precipitate one's self;
— խաղացուցանել, to roll, to prostrate, to precipitate, to fell, to upset;
— անկաւ յարեան իւրում, he fell rolling in his blood.
cf. Թաւալագլոր.
rendered safe by dense woods.
shaggy, hairy, hirsute;
— այր, hairy man, covered with hairs.
cf. Խաժուրիկ.
to palpitate, to flutter, to throb, to go pit-a-pat.
vacant, empty;
abandoned, forsaken;
uninhabited, desert, unpeopled;
deprived of;
wanting in;
— առնել, թողուլ, to make or render desert, to devastate;
— լինել, մնալ, to be deserted, desolate, unpeopled;
— առնել զտուն, to remove from a house;
— ի հանճարոյ, deprived or devoid of talent;
wooden tray, tea-tray.
to remain empty, without;
to be emptied, evacuated;
to be uninhabited, devastated;
to become desert, desolate.
cf. Թափուրիմ.
emptiness, vacuity.
—ապէս, processionally.
religious procession;
ի — ելանել, to go in procession;
—ական լեառն, mount Tabor;
cf. Թաքթաքուն.
secretly, stealthily, furtively;
unknown to others;
silently, softly, quietly, noiselessly;
enigmatically, allegorically.
secret, occult, hidden, mysterious, dark, obscure.
sleeved cloak.
lightly, swiftly;
giddy, inconsiderate, trifling;
volatile, inconstant.
levity, thoughtlessness, unsteadiness;
puerility, childishness.