Your research : 2 Results for փոխարէն

Փոխարէն, րինաց


recompense, compensation, retribution, remuneration, reward;
return, requital, satisfaction, revenge;


in exchange or return for, instead of, for;


— վնասուն, amends, indemnity, reparation;
— այցելութիւն, return visit;
դարձ —րինի, condign recompense;
առնել զդարձ —րինի, to give like for like;
հատուցանել զ— վնասուն, to make up to, to indemnify for.

Entries' title containing փոխարէն : 1 Results

Փոխարէնատրութիւն, ութեան



Definitions containing the research փոխարէն : 4 Results

Լուանամ, ացայ

fig. vn.

to wash, to wash one's self;
to bathe, to bathe one's self;
to clear one's self from, to wash out a stain of dishonour;
— զփոխարէնն, to refuse a recompense;
— զսերմն առն, to lose, to abort, to fail, to miscarry, to have an abortion, a premature birth;
զայլս եւս լուանաս քոյով անօրէնութեամբն, you contaminate others by your iniquities.

Կշռեմ, եցի


to weigh, to measure;


to weigh, to calculate, to examine, to ponder on, to take into, consideration;
to compare, to confront;
to shoot, to dart, to take good aim at, to hit the mark;
քաջ —, to weigh well, to ponder, to reflect with mature consideration, to pause;
— զխօսս իւր, to be cautious in one's words;
— զփոխարէն, to return like for like, to recompense, to reward, to renumerate;
— զհարուածն, to strike, to adjust one's blow;
— զամենայն աշխարհս, to be worth the whole world;
ըստ կշռելոյ ական, judged by eyesight;
եւ ոչ կշռեսցի արծաթ ընդ գնոց նորա, neither shall silver be weighed for the price therof.

Հատուցանեմ, ուցի


to render, to restore, to give back;
to pay, to discharge, to acquit;
to disburse, to lay out;
to recompense, to satisfy, to make amends, to compensate, to indemnify;
to cut;
— ի ստենէ, to wean, to take from the breast;
— զփոխարէնն, to render like for like, to requite;
— զվնասն, to make up for, to indemnify for;
— չար փոխանակ բարւոյ, չար — երախտեաց, to render evil for good;
— զմեղս հարանց՝ որդւոյ, to revenge the sins of the fathers upon the children;
—ցեր ինձ բարիս, եւ ես —ցի քեզ չարիս, I have rendered you evil for good;
աստուած հատուսցէ քեզ ի բարիս, may God reward you;
cf. Հատուցումն.

Հանեմ, նի


to draw or pull out, to take away, to abstract, to remove, to displace;
to dislodge;
to rise, to lift up, to carry up;
to divulge, to let out, to publish;
to offer, to present;


to subtract, to take away;
— զքառակուսի արմատ թուոյ, to extract the square root of a number;
— իրաւունս, to do justice to;
— առնուն չար, to defame, to decry, to slander, to belie;
— յաչաց, to cause to lose the favour or affection of;
— յաչաց ժողովըրդեան, to render unpopular;
ի վեր —, to inform of, to discover, to disclose, to reveal, to unveil, to unmask;
— ընդ աշխարհ, to publish, to divulge every where;
ի բանս —, to delude, to beguile, to seduce, to betray, to deceive;
յինքն —, to appropriate to oneself, to take possession of, to assume wrongfully;
— ինչ յոք, to ascribe, to attribute, to impute;
— յոք զպատճառս ամենայն չարեաց, to accuse of every evil;
— յոք զիմն, to apply to;
ի բաց —, to exclude;
to scatter;
to send back or away, to dismiss, to discharge;
— բռնի or բռնաբար, to extort, to wrest, to seize by force, to take by violence;
— յարմատոց, to root up, to extirpate;
*— զթեփ, to scale;
to pearl or decorticate seed;
— զվրէժ քինուն or — զփոխարէն չարեացն, to avenge oneself, to be revenged;
to turn the tables upon;
— օգուտ, to turn to account, to profit by, to derive benefit from, to avail oneself of, to improve;
— հետեւանս, to desume a consequence;
— զոք ի ձեռս ուրուք, to give, to deliver up;
— զօրս, to levy soldiers, troops;
— աւուրս, զգիշերն, to pass the days, the night;
— աւուրս բազումս, to remain a long time;
— ի ժառանգութէնէ, to dispossess;
— յայլ լեզու, to translate into;
— ողջակէզ, to sacrifice;
— լեզու, to put out one's tongue;
to loll out one's tongue;
վիճակ —, to draw, to cast lots;
— զկարասիս, to unfurnish, to strip;
— զկինն, to repudiate;
— կանանց զյօնսն, to paint one's eyebrows;
— զջուր, to draw water, to draw up, to fetch up;
— ի նաւէ, to disembark;
to land, to set on shore;
— ճանապարհի, դրան, to lead to, to run into, to abut or end in;
— առ ոք, to present, to introduce;
— զսուրն ի պատենից, to unsheathe;
— ընդ սուր, to put to the edge of the sword;
— զհոգին, to give up the ghost, to expire, to die;
— զօրհնութիւն, to bless, to praise;
հա՛ն զիս աստի, take me out of this.