to immolate, to sacrifice.
sacrifieer, immolator.
immolation, act of immolating, sacrifice.
divided into three parts, divided trebly, trisected.
cf. Գռոհ.
discontented, dissatisfied.
cf. Դժգոհեմ.
to complain, to be dissatisfied.
complaint, discontent.
contemplating, meditating on divine matters.
cf. Համախորհուրդ.
intelligence, concord, good understanding, harmony;
league, alliance, compact.
cf. Համատոհմիկ.
of the same family, related.
burnt-offering, burnt sacrifice, holocaust.
billow, wave, swell, surge, breaker;
mountain, hill, height, eminence, rising ground;
փրփրադէզ —, foaming billows.
rough, swelling, billowy.
cf. Կոհակալիր.
wave-tossed or tempest-tossed.
cf. Մարդազեն.
cf. Մարդազենք.
cf. Մարդազենք.
cf. Միախորհուրդ.
of the same race, family or nation.
tardy or late repentance.
premeditating, deliberating beforehand;
— լինել, to premeditate;
to provide.
previous deliberation, premeditation.
crowding in, rushing on in crowds.
cf. Մեծախորհուրդ.
greatness of mind, high-mindedness, nobility or thought or sentiment, magnanimity, generosity.
of heavy waves or billows.
conformable to our ideas.
St. John's wort.
thinking soundly, wise, sensible, judicious;
chaste, modest, coy, maidenly, pure, honest;
— միտք, good sense, honesty, plain-dealing.
honestly, modestly, chastely.
to be in one's right senses;
to be chaste, to observe chastity.
to render chaste, modest, sober, prudent, wise.
sound judgment, wisdom, sagacity, good sense;
chastity, pudicity, temperance, continence, modesty, sobriety, honesty.
cancer, gangrene.
to starch, to stiffen with starch.
cf. Չարախորհուրդ.
always thoughtful.
cf. Մտախորհ.
cf. Մտախոհիմ.
to think, to muse, to reflect, to ponder, to rack one's brains.
meditation, ponderation, reflection.
fraudulent, malicious, sly, guileful, cunning, crafty.
meditation, thought.