Your research : 2 Results for ինքն։

Ինքն, ինքեան, ինքեանք, ինքեանց


ես —, myself;
դու —, thyself;
նա —, himself, herself;
ընդ — բարբառել, to say to one's self, to talk with one's self;
յ— գալ, գալ — առ —, to come to one's self, cf. Զգաստանամ;
յ— ամփոփիլ մտաց, to concentrate one's ideas, to collect one's thoughts;
յ— արկանել, to attract, to win, to allure, to draw on, to entice, to gain;
յ— հանել, to snatch away, to possess one's self of, to appropriate;
ինքեան զօրութեամբ, by one's own power or force;
ըստ ինքեան, of oneself.

Այս ինքն, Այս ինքն է


namely, that is to say, to wit.