cf. Հոգաբարձու.
to recover oneself, to come to oneself again.
spiritual, divine.
very sinful;
shade, ghost, vision.
assembled by the Holy Spirit.
cf. Հոգեբերիմ.
joyous, gay, jovial, jocund, jolly.
sacred council.
cf. Հոգելից.
cf. Հոգելից.
full of the Holy Spirit.
divinely inspired;
divine, spiritual.
born in the spirit, spiritual.
spiritual, incorporeal;
soul-saving, salutary, wholesome, vivifying, reviving.
inspired by the Holy Spirit, holy, divine;
living according to the spirit, spiritual, virtuous;
dying, in agony.
furnished with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
spiritual, intellectual, immaterial;
written by inspiration of the Holy Ghost.
warring against, or denying the divinity of the Holy Spirit;
follower of the doctrine of Macedonius.
denying the divinity of the Holy Spirit, the heresy of Macedonius.
deep in the mysteries of the Holy Spirit;
endowed with the Holy Spirit.
formed by the Holy Spirit.
soul-refreshing, soul-reviving;
renewed by the Holy Ghost;
refreshing or reanimating the spirit.
singing or sung by inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
salutary, useful or profitable to the soul, spiritual.
winning souls, spiritual gain.
moved by the Holy Spirit;
soul-stirring, pathetic, moving, touching, affecting.
granted by the Holy Spirit;
adorned with or full of the gift or grace of the Holy Spirit;
communicating the Holy Spirit.
inspired by the Holy Spirit.
narrated by Divine Inspiration;
treating or narrating by Divine Inspiration.
cf. Հոգեշնորհ.
spiritually, according to the spirit, divinely;
allegorically, mystically.
ardent, spiritual, fervent, devout.
benign, soul-pitying, soul-saving;
spiritual, devout, pious.
piety, devotion.
nourished or brought up spiritually.
affinity, alliance, relationship;
հոգեւոր —, sponsorship;
արկանել —, — առնել ընդ, cf. Խնամենամ.
sovereignty, principality, lordship;
authority, faculty;
empire, dynasty, sway, rule, dominion, domination;
abselute power;
right, privilege;
government, command, power, jurisdiction;
free will, liberty;
licence, exclusive permission;
place, post;
—ք, principalities (tho third order in the celestial hierarchy);
հոգեւոր՝ ժամանակաւոր, spiritual and temporal power;
առաւելազանց —, too much authority;
յ— հասանել, to rise to dignities;
to get into office, or power;
տալ ումեք զամենայն —, to empower, to give carte-blanche, or full powers to;
լինել ընդ իշխանութեամբ ուրուք, to be in the power of some one, or dependent on some one;
այս ի վեր քան գիմս է —, that is beyond my power, that surpasses my capacity.
exercise, practice discipline, instruction;
հոգեւոր —, spiritual exercises;
— մարմնոյ, gymnastics.
papa, pa;
father, chief;
author, inventor;
— մեր, the Lord's prayer;
— երկնաւոր, գթութեան, heavenly Father, God of mercy;
հարք եկեղեցւոյ, the fathers of the church;
հարք միանձունք, old anchorites;
հարք մեր, our fathers, forefathers, ancestors;
— աշխարհի, Adam;
յարգոյ —, Reverend Father;
բարեյիշատակ —ն իսահակ, Father Isaac of blessed memory;
— սուրբ, holy father;
— խոստովանութեան, confessor;
հոգեւոր —, spiritual father;
— հայրենեաց, ժողովրդեան, աղքատաց, father of his country, of the people, of the poor;
քերթողաց —, father of Armenian literature, Moses of Khoren;
— պատմագրաց, father of history, Herodotus;
— եւ մայր, father and mother, parents;
որդի ի հօրէ, from father to son;
— իբրեւ զ—, like a fatherly, paternal;
ազնիւ, բարեգութ —, good, tender father;
— սիրտ, գութ, սէր հօր, the heart, tenderness, love of a father, paternal, fatherly affection;
սիրել, պատուել զ—, զօրավիգն լինել հօրին, to love, honour and succour one's father;
յաւելուլ առ հարս, to go the way of all flesh, to go to kingdom come, to die;
ննջեաց ընդ հարս իւր, he slept with his fathers;
— որդւովք բերկրեալ, a father happy in his children;
— մարդպետ, kislar-agasi, master of eunuchs.
cf. Հոգեփոխութիւն.
cf. Հոգեփոխութիւն.
cf. Հոգեկիր.
cf. Հոգեկորոյս.
cf. Հոգեշահ.
cf. Հոգեշունչ.
cf. Հոգեսէր.
cf. Հոգեվար.
cf. Հոգեւոր.
command, rule, reign, sway, domination, dominion, authority, power;
government, state, kingdom, empire;
—ք, powers ( hierarchy of angels);
հոգեւոր —ք, ecclesiastical principalities, bishops, etc.