cf. Նաւաստ;
արգիական —ք, the Argonauts.
muddy, dirty.
ostentatiously, with vain show.
lewd, indecent, pro-fligate, licentious.
freezing, icy, glacial, frigid.
singing a song or ballad.
serge, camlet stuff, woollen stuff;
cf. Խարազն;
— ազնիւ, shawl.
cf. Ցօղաբուխ.
cf. Հիւս.
cf. Հիւսակ.
cf. Հիւսեմ.
cf. Հիւսումն.
phagrus or pagrus, sea-bream.
flight, escape;
evasion, subterfuge, shift, tergiversation;
— զօրաց, rout, defeat, overthrow;
ի — դարձուցանել, to put to flight, to rout;
ի — մտաբերել, to meditate flight;
— առնուլ, ի — դառնալ, աճապարել, երթալ, մտանիլ, լինել, կալ, to take to flight, to flee, to run away, to turn one's back, to turn tail.
fugitive, deserter, runaway;
fugitive, fleeing;
fleeting, transient;
— ծառայ, runaway slave;
— առնել, արկանել, հանել, վարել, տալ, to put to flight;
— լինել, գնալ, երթալ, դառնալ, անկանել, դիմել, to take to flight, to turn tail, to run away.
flight, escape.
escaped or escaping together.
cf. Փախստական.
cf. Փախստականութիւն.
resembling a flash of lightning, flashing, flaring.
meanly, poorly.
fond of glory, full of vanity, ambitious, vain.
to be fond of glory, to aspire but to glory.
love of glory, ambition, vanity.
with much honour, gloriously, magnificently, pompously.
fishing for praise.
pitcher, jug.
cf. Փասիան.
էգ —, hen -;
արու —, cock -;
ձագ —, pheasant-poult;
ծովային —, sea-pheasant, cracker, pin-tail duck.
cf. Փասեանոց.
pheasantry, pheasant-walk.
reason, ground, argument, proof.
lawyer, attorney, advocate, barrister, counsel.
argumental, argumentative, oratorical.
to reason, to seek or allege reasons, to adduce grounds or motives, to plead, to argue.
argumentation, reasoning, pleading;
advocacy, bar.
groundless, causeless, deceitful.
cavilling, litigious, querulous, contentious.
guilty, culpable, unworthy.
a wind, phasser.
chattering, prattling, tale-bearing, whispering, slanderous, back-biting.
to tattle, to repeat, to whisper, to murmur or grumble, to tell tales, to speak ill of, to slander.
cf. Փարաւազեմ.