feast, public rejoicing;
procession, solemnity, religious ceremony;
pomp, show, display, gala, exhibition, parade, state;
scene, spectacle, show;
proof, argument, demonstration;
declaration, witness, testimony, evidence;
trial, experience, essay;
exercise, practice;
audit, examination, inspection, investigation;
deed, fact, act;
fight, assault, combat;
care, diligence;
bravery, great deeds;
review (journal);
—դիսիւ, pompously, solemnly;
համաշխարհական —, exhibition;
— թաղման, burial, funeral obsequies;
— զօրաց, review, muster;
— յաղթանակի, triumphal rejoicings;
— թատրոնական, theatre, spectacle, play;
— առաքինութեան, brilliant action;
— լաւութեանց, shining qualities;
ի — մարտից, among combats;
— առնել, to pass in review, to make a diligent investigation, to examine;
to make a show or display of, to show off, to display, to expose to view, to put or set forth;
to turn to account, to improve;
to exercise, to practise;
— առնել զօրաց, ի —դիսի անցուցանել զզօրս, to review, to muster, to pass in review;
— համարոյ առնել, to examine, to register, to make a numbering or enumeration of;
— առնել քաջութեան, to prove, to signalize one's valour, to signalize oneself by prowess, gallantry, bravery;
— առնել զօրութեան, to use or exert one's power;
— առնել պերճութեան, գիտութեան, to make a show of one's science;
— առնել ի մաստութեան իւրոյ, to display one's wisdom;
— առնել հանճարոյ, to heighten, to set off, to enhance, to give zest to one's parts or talent, to show one's wit, to play the sprightly, ingenious or witty;
ի — ածել, to exhibit, to expose to view, to display, to show off;
to represent, to play, to act;
ի — անցանել, to compete, to rival, to vie with;
to appear;
ի — մտանել, to enter the lists;
to be ranked among;
ի — մատուցանել, to put to the trial, to the test, to prove;
զ— առնուլ, to examine, to prove, to know by experience.
cf. Ատենաբան.
agonotheta, gymnasiarch, agonistarch;
president or chief of a ceremony, assembly, combat, show;
*expositor, exhibiter.
solemn, pompous;
spectator, assistant.
companion in an assembly or solemnity;
companion in arms, fellow-soldier, comrade.
to enter the lists, to fight, to wrestle, to vie with;
to labour hard, to strive, to endeavour, to try, to attempt;
to signalize or distinguish oneself, to render oneself illustrious, to be celebrated, renowned, to be made public with praise;
to show one's courage or mettle, to figure, to shine;
to assemble at a public festival or ceremony, to celebrate;
քաջայաղթ —, to make stupendous conquests, to do or work wonders;
յաղթող —, to remain victorious;
յաղթող — իրիք, to be victorious over, to be conqueror.
cf. Հանդիսադիր.
in a procession, with pomp, gloriously.
fond of pomp, solemnity, display;
fond of shows, plays, public spectacles.
լինել, կալ, to be a —, present at, to assist;
—ք, the spectators, the audience;
the lookers on, the by-standers, the public.
lists, arena;
court of justice;
gallery, saloon;
scene, spectacle.
exciting to war, warlike, martial.
to solemnize, celebrate with pomp or display;
to signalize;
to count, to enumerate;
թատերախաղ —, to play, to act, to perform;
անպարտելի —, to render invincible.
representation, performance.
pompous, solemn;
combatant, athlete, champion.
cf. Հանդիսանամ.
exercise, to prove oneself.
cf. Հանճարեղ.
cf. Հաշուարան.
cf. Համարձակաբարբառ;
— լինել, to speak freely, frankly, openly, to be plain with, to be accustomed to speak one's mind.
frankness of speech, openness, unreservedness, free-heartedness.
cf. Համարձակ.
cf. Համարձակահայեաց.
with an open countenance, frank, free, bold.
having the same trade or calling;
fond of kissing;
fond of peace, pacific.
modest, decent;
reserved, moderate, temperate.
to become modest or wise, to put on a modest look.
to make modest or moderate.
modesty, moderation, reserve, temperance, probity;
modestly, decently.
modest woman.
to run together;
to compete;
to concur, to coincide.
cf. Համամիտ.
to taste, to savour.
Armenian, of — race.
fond of Armenians, philarmene.
having an Armenian heart.
the Armenians.
speaking Armenian.
Haig-hearted, courageous, dauntless, intrepid, valiant, bold, manly.
— հարականել, to knead.