smart, nimble, quick, ready, active.
to haste, to hasten, to be in haste, to make haste, to be quick, to be hasty or precipitate.
throwing hastily.
cf. Վաղվաղուն.
cf. Վաղվաղուն.
hasty, quick, lively, brisk, ready, speedy, prompt, precipitate.
sabre, cutlass, hanger;
cf. Սակր.
armed with a sabre.
easily offended, touchy, hasty, irascible, passionate, wrathful;
— լինել, to be hasty, irascible, quick to get angry, easily provoked.
business, trade, commerce, dealings, merchandise, goods, wares, commodities;
market, sale, purchase;
market-place, hall, mart, fair;
—ք, provisions;
cf. Մեծաքանակ;
փոքրաքանակ —, retail trade;
ի — արկանել, to sell, to put up or offer for sale;
— լինել, to be sold, to be on sale;
cf. Հատանիմ.
fruiterer, green-grocer.
together with the fruit.
blazing, refulgent.
apologist, advocate, defender, protector, patron;
— լինել՝ կալ՝ մտանել cf. Ջատագովեմ.
excusable, justifiable, warrantable.
to defend, to sustain, to plead, to excuse, to justify;
— զանձն, to defend, justify or excuse oneself.
apology, defence, protection, justification, excuse, pleading.
leafy branch.
to become rank, thick, to flourish, to shoot forth, to grow.
besom, broom.
vendor at exorbitant prices.
working uselessly, loosing one's labour.
labour in vain, labour lost.
assembled uselessly.
turning or revolving rapidly.
severely wounded.
cf. Սրովբէ.
gigantic, colossal, huge, monstrous.
famine, dearth, scarcity, penury;
ի —ու, by famine.
starving, famished;
— առնել, to make suffer famine, to famish, to starve.
famished, suffering from famine or hunger.
dying of starvation;
— առնել, to starve to death;
— կորնչել, լինել, cf. Սովամահիմ.
to be starved to death, to die of hunger.
to starve, to famish.
to be tormented with famine, with hunger, to be famished, starved, to suffer through hunger.
accustomed, used to, inured, trained;
customary, usual, habitual, wont;
— լինել, to be accustomed or used to;
որպէս — էր, as he was wont to, as he was in the habit of.
habitually, as usual, customarily, ordinarily, commonly, usually, mostly, generally.
usual, common, ordinary, customary, habitual, familiar.
the being usual;
the becoming habitual.
cf. Սովորիմ.
to be accustomed, habituated, to get used or inured, to grow familiar with, to be in the habit or practice of, to take a bent, to practise;
— հրոյ, to become accustomed to the fire;
— աշխատութեան, to become inured to, to inure oneself to labour, to become industrious;
յանիրաւութիւն —, to become obdurate or hardened in iniquity.
to accustom, to habituate;
to bring up, to train, to form, to teach.
cf. Սովորութիւն.
custom, habits, manners, usage, practice, use, bent;
արդի, նոր —, mode, new fashion;
հնացեալ —ք, ancient customs;
տարադէպ, դժպատեհ —, abuse, corrupt practice;
չար, յոռի, գարշ —, bad habit, ugly way, sad or nasty trick;
ընդ սովորութեան, according to custom, as usual;
ընդ ոչ սովորութեան, out of use or custom, unusual;
ընդ սովորութեան իւրում, as is his wont, according to his custom;
մեք չունիմք —, it is not our custom to, we are not in the habit of;
երկրորդ բնութիւն է —, use is second nature;
cf. Ունակութիւն.
use, habit.