to throw, to push;
to despise, to abandon.
new found, recent, new fashion.
cf. Առնչական.
մատակ —, lionesss;
կորիւն առիւծու, lion's whelp, young lion;
մռնչիւն՝ մռնչել, roaring, to roar.
hot. an evergreen shrub.
lion that resembles an ape.
lion's cup, lion's whelp.
to become like a lion.
cf. Առիւծաբար.
cf. Առիւծաբար.
to make to become like a lion.
skin of a lion.
bone of a lion.
to fill, to fill to the brim, to brim.
earnest, earnest money;
pledge, essay, token, sign, testimony.
appeal, call, voice
cf. Առնակերպ.
condition of a married woman.
espousals, nuptials.
virile mind, bravery, strength of mind, courage;
to receive, to take, to accept, to admit, to collect, to welcome;
to reap, to derive, to gather;
to have, to occupy;
to take away, to carry off, to ravish, to rob;
— վերստին, to retake;
— ապտակո, to receive a box on the ear;
— զատամունս, to set the teeth on edge;
— արմատ, to take root;
— զդրունս, to surround, to enclose;
- երգս, to sing;
ի մէջ —, to encompass;
խորհուրդ —, խորհուրդ ի մէջ —, to consult, to deliberate;
ի միտ —, to conceive, to comprehend, to understand;
to learn by heart;
խումբ —, to assemble;
մեղս —, to sin, to be culpable;
ի բաց —, to substract, to take away;
to remove;
սուգ —, to mourn, to be afflicted;
առիթ —, to take the opportunity, to profit by it;
— ընդ կատակս, to take a thing in jest;
կասկած —, to suspect;
— ի կին, ի կնութիւն, to marry;
— ողչոյն հրաժարական, to take leave of, to bid adieu to;
— օրինակ, to take example;
շունչ —, to breathe;
զէն —, to take arms, to arm one's self;
մարմին —, to incarnate, to be incarnate;
ծագումն —, to take birth, to shoot out;
առնոյր առնէր ոք, how I should wish that some one had done it !
watering, sprinkling.
good sense, reason, sensibleness.
to cure, to heal, to restore to health or to life, to resuscitate;
— զմիտս, to undeceive.
health, life;
salubrity, healthfulness;
cure, recovery of health;
յ— ձեր, to your health ! հաստանիլ յառողջութեան, to be convalescent, to return in health;
քնքուչ, ակար, յեզյեղուկ —, a delicat, feeble, wavering health;
պահպանել զ—, to keep one's health;
խանգարել —, to destroy, to ruin the health;
զօրանալ սակաւ յ—, to be convalescent.
to make young, to make look younger.
youth, bloom, growing young again;
prime of life, vigour.
trench, channel;
brook, small stream of water;
հեղուլ՝ հոսել —ս արտասուաց, to shed tears profusely.
that runs like a rivulet with a great noise.
channel, aqueduct.
trench, channel, ditch.
cf. Առոյգանամ.
taking, reception, capture, possession;
acceptation, sense, signification;
assumption (in logic);
informer, accuser, denunciator.
cf. Ասացած.
cf. Ասուի.
woolly, fleecy.
cloth, stuff;
that is endowed with the faculty of speaking, reasonable, gifted with reason.
shooting star.
marauder, freebooter, straggler.
cruise, excursion, incursion, descent, irruption, marauding, plundering;
— ի ծովու, piracy.