to reduce, to ashes.
bushy, thick, full of branches.
deserted, uninhabited;
to become desert, to be uninhabited or uninhabitable.
time or measure in music;
cf. Ժամանակ.
beginning of summer.
of or belonging to summer.
lever, a piece of wood to raise or move any burden.
to raise, to raise up, to take up, to heighten, to lift up.
to rise, to get up, to go up, to ascend.
to be irreligious, to be ungodly, to be sacrilegious, to be profane, to be impious or unrighteous.
haughty, proud.
that hates the proud.
to be an integer;
to be entire or perfect.
cf. Ամենաբարեպաշտիկ.
very pious, religious, devout.
all-bountiful, super-excellent, most excellent, best.
very good, best, very excellent;
very well, excellently, exceedingly well.
curing all diseases.
all-sufficient, omnipotent.
cf. Ամենագեղեցիկ.
very pretty, very handsome, charming, very genteel;
extremely agreeable, most beautiful.
omniscient, most wise, all-wise.
most merciful, most compassionate, most kind, most tender.
most praise-worthy, very laudable, most commendable.
cf. Ամենագով.
cf. Ամենագթած.
very hard, burdensome, very troublesome, severe.
cf. Ամենադժնդակ.
very difficult, grievous, rigid.
cf. Ամենադժոխ.
cf. Ամենադժոխ.
very vigilant, watchful, diligent;
very sober, moderate, most temperate.
very amusing, full of pleasure.
omnipotent, all-sufficient;
most powerful, very strong.
king of the universe, the Creator.
very unfortunate, most miserable, most calamitous.
of general assembly.
best, finest, choicest, most exquisite;
excellent, worthiest.
that takes care of all his creatures, all-provident.
preserving or governing all things, omnipotent, all-powerful.
all perfect;
very perfect.
omnipotent, all-powerful.
cf. Ամենակար.
that saves all;
most agreeable, very pleasant.