plot, secret meeting;
belonging or pertaining to a council or assembly;
member of the council;
member of Parliament;
Ecolesiastes (sacred book).
popular, plebeian;
secular, laic;
a private person.
exterminating, deadly.
parochial, parish.
abstinent, sober, continent, temperate, chaste;
— կեանք, continence;
— լինել or կալ cf. Ժուժկալեմ.
to be patient, to suffer patiently;
to resign one's self to;
to be courageous, to suffer or bear with courage;
to oppose, to resist;
to abstain from, to be continent;
to do without;
— ի կերակրոց, to fast, to live on a diet;
— ի դինւոյ, to abstain from wine.
abstinence, continence, temperance, chastity;
sobriety, soberness;
fortitude, constancy;
fasting, diet;
ի ժուժկալութեան gyql, to live continently.
cf. Ժիր.
cf. Ժրաջան.
cast out, cast off;
cf. Բացընկեցիկ.
feminine, womanlike;
effeminate, womanish;
feminine gender;
— տոհմ, the fair sex, women;
— ախտ, hemorrhage.
that has a female form, like a woman.
cf. Թիկունք.
young viper;
young adder.
cf. Իլ.
sophist, pedant, sophister;
sophistical, pedantieal;
finespun, subtle.
cf. Իմաստակ.
to sophisticate, to play the pedant, to subtilize, to quibble.
intellectual, intellective;
sophism, sophistry, pedantry, cavil, chicanery, quibble, paralogism, paralogy.
SOphistically, pedantically.
intellective, intellectual;
the mind, the intellect, the understanding;
—ք, the spirits of light, the Angels.
cf. Իմացութիւն.
mine, my.
having nine sources.
enneagon, nonagon.
no venary.
cf. Իննեակ.
ninety (number).
autocrat, monarch, emperor;
self-depending, independent, absolute, free;
— կամք, free will.
autocracy, monarchy, empire.
female autocrat;
voluntary, spontaneous, willing;
wilful, self-willed;
voluntarily, willingly, spontaneously;
— կրօնք, superstition;
— անձնիշխանութիւն, free will
spontaneousness, voluntariness, free will.
that subsists by itself.
distinct substance, hypostasis.
perfect, complete, absolute.
cf. Ինքնակայ.
in his own form, in proper form.
own, proper, natural, innate;
uninvited, self-invited;
— լինել, to come without invitation;
— բազմական, parasite, smell-feast.
self-destroyed, self-ruined.
ի —վս արկանել, to roast, to fry.
wound, sore, ulcer;
— խորամուխ՝ կարեվէր, deep, mortal wound.
cf. Խուժական.
obstinacy, stubbornness, pertinacity;
ի խժդան եւ յոխորտի կալ, cf. Խժդան.
deaf, dead, dull;
— առնել, to deafen, to stun;
— առնել զունկն, — լինել, to turn or give a deaf ear to.
phlegm, pituite;
թքանել զ—, — արկանել, to expectorate;
— բերել, to cough up.
cot, but;
cell, small room;
— պահնակաց, sentry-box.
party, band, troop, detachment, company, regiment, brigade, division, cohort, legion;
— կղզեաց, group of islands, archipelago;
— առնուլ, to assemble, to flock together;
— կազմել զօրաց, to muster, to form into a regiment, to embody, to enlist, to enrol, to collect together;
ի խմբէ իմաստնոցն էր, he was one of the seven wise men.
— ինչ, — մի, a little, very small quantity, however little;
— ինչ ժամանակ, a short time;
— ինչ իրք են, there is very little;
ի — վայրկենի, in a moment, in an instant.
crowd, concourse, multitude, throng of people;
affluence, great quantity;
noise, tumult, confusion;
thick, close, dense, crowded;
many, numerous;
in crowds, in throngs;
— առ —, — ի —, in a huddle, pell-mell, disorderly, hurriedly;
ի խռան, among the crowd;
ի խռան մարտին, in the thickest of the fight;
— բազմութիւն, a numerous crowd, a throng;
— բազմութեամբ մտանել, ելանել, to crowd in;
to crowd out;
— բազմութիւն ժողովրդեան, immense concourse of people;
— հասանեն աստ օտարականք, strangers flock here.
confusion, tumult, trouble, disorder, sedition, insurrection;
confused, confounded, troubled;
— կալ ընդ ումեք, to have quarrelled with, to fall out, to be at variance, to disagree with.
cf. Խստակրօն.
cf. Խստակրօնութիւն.
roughness, harshness, asperity, austerity, rigidness;
rigour, severity, cruelty, inclemency, inflexibility;
— սրտի, obduracy, hardness of heart;
— բարուց՝ օրինաց, severity of customs, of laws;
— կարծեաց, too great austerity of morals, puritanism;
— որովայնի, tightness of the bowels, costiveness, constipation.
difference, variety, distinction, disparity, disproportion;
—ք, prognostic, augury, omen;
առ — մտաց, according fo the judgment;
մի՛ լիցի — ընդ բարին եւ ընդ յոռին, he shall not search whether it be good or bad;
ոչ ինչ է — Տեառն ապրեցուցանել բազմօք կամ սակաւուք, the Lord can give the victory to the smaller or the greater number;
աւուրք խտրոց, superstitious regard for unlueky days;
ի —ս անկանիլ, to fall into vain or superstitious observances.
to distinguish, to discern, to make a difference;
to observe rigorously or scrupulously;
— զբարեկամն ի մարդելուզէ, to distinguish a friend from a fawner.
interval, space;
division, separation;
distinction, difference;
— ընդ մէջ անկանիլ, to interpose;
to interfere, to intermeddle.
shout of encouragement or incitement, encouragement, comfort, incitement;
encouraging, animating;
— տալ՝ մատուցանել, to encourage, to give heart to or inspirit, to rouse, to excite, to urge on;
— բառնալ՝ հարկանել, to shout encouragingly;
— առնուլ, to take heart, to cheer up, to take courage.
cf. Խրատուկ.
shoe-lace, shoestring;
լուծանել զխրացս կօշկաց, to loosen shoe-latchets.
cf. Խրթին;
երեկորնեայն —, Venus, Vesper (the evening star).
hinderance, impediment, obstacle;
inactivity, idleness, sloth;
idle, unoccupied;
hindered, prevented;
stopped, discontinued;
— առնել՝ լինել, to hinder, to impede, to prevent;
— կալ, to be disoccupied;
to be in idleness.
to hinder, to stop, to impede, to obstruct, to embarrass, to cross, to delay, to interrupt;
to intercept;
to interdict, to prohibit;
to abolish, to abrogate, to annul, to revoke;
to take away;
to sippress;
— զճանապարհն, զանցս ուրուք, to stop the way or passage, to stop up, to obstruct, to encumber;
— զերկիր, to encumber the earth.
hinderance, impediment, obstruction, obstacle;
interdiction, prohibition;
abolition, abrogation;
ի խափանումն գալ՝ անկանել, to cease, to fall in desuetude, to be no longer in force.
intelligent, well-informed, skilful, learned;
— առնել՝ կացուցանել, to initiate, to instruct, to inform;
— լինել, to be well-informed, to have profound knowledge, to be well versed in, to understand thoroughly, to know perfectly;
— լինել ապագայից, to penetrate the future;
— լինել ի մէջ բարւոյ եւ չարի, to distinguish, to know good from evil;
— լինել յամենայն ճանապարհս իւր, to be have prudently or wisely;
— լինել ի սրտի իւրում, to revolve, to turn over in one's mind, to reflect, to consider, to mediate, to ruminate, to ponder;
— լինել ոգւոյ նորա, to seize the meaning, to enter into the spirit of;
— ամենայն իմաստութեան, learned in all knowledge.
mind, sense, wit, understanding, intelligence, wisdom;
խելօք, skilfully, ingeniously, cleverly, dexterously;
bench for rowers;
— կամրջաց, bridge-head;
— գետոց, source of ariver;
—լս ունել, to be wise, judicious, prudent;
ի խելաց ելանել, to lose one's reason, to become mad;
գնալ խելօք, յայլ խելս շրջել, յայլոյ խելս լինել, to be out of one's mind, to turn mad;
ցնորիլ ի խելաց, to faint, to swoon;
ի խելս գալ, to come to one's self, to recover one's self;
to amend;
խելս խառնել, to tax one's ingenuity, to contrive, to set one's wits to work, to try, to attempt;
to dupe, to outwit, to use artifice, craft, guile;
ի խերս կերպարանեալս, feignedly, with simulation, in appearance;
astutely, cunningly;
բանք բազում — սակաւ, much tongue and little judgment;
ի խելաց եւ ի մտաց թափեալ, hair-brained, cracked, foolish, insane, mad;
գինին կալաւ զխելս նորա, he became intoxicated, tipsy.
— նաւի, poop, stern of a ship;
ի խելս նաւին, on the poop.
halter, rope, noose;
strangulation, suffocation;
—ք շրթանց, flattery, wheedling, cajolery;
— առնել, — արկանել, ի — գալ, ի — մտաբերել, to strangle, to choke one's self;
— ընդ անձն ուրուք արկանել, առ —ս ածել զոք, to put a rope on the neck of, to bring to the halter, to strangle, to throttle, to choke;
— ընդ անձին հեղձամղձուկ պաշարիլ բանիւն, to be embarrassed & conounded by, not know what to say or do.
brick, tile;
pottery, earthen-ware, crockery;
porcelain, China-ware, Wedgewood-ware;
potsherd, fragment of earthen-ware;
shell, conch;
—ք, pottery;
Wedgewood-ware, Wedgewood-manufactory;
earthen, delft;
զ— կարկատել, to beat the air, to pound the water.
knock, blow;
obstacle, hinderance, impediment;
fraud, cheat;
hate, ill will, aversion;
remorse, scruple;
pain, affliction, grief;
doubt, distrust, apprehension;
gripes, colic;
— եւ խութ ընդ ոտն անկանել, to trip up, to oppose, to obstruct, to embarrass;
խեթիւ հայել՝ տեսանել, to look daggers, to look grim, to scowl;
խեթիւ հայել արեգական, to sunburn, to tan, to freckle, to brown.
prop, stay, support;
back, back-side;
clothes' pocket;
— դնել cf. Խեչակեմ.
to goad, to spur, to incite, to drive, to spur on, to urge on;
կաշառս —, to bribe, to corrupt;
to buy over.
search, perquisition, investigation, strict inquiry;
plucking up, snatching away;
— արկանել, to search out, to investigate, to rummage, to inquire into.
tendril, clasper;
sucker, shoot;
fibre, filament, stamen;
—ս արկանել, to cling to, to hold fast to, to clasp, to strain to;
to twine, to entwine;
— արկանել՝ առնուլ, to be thoughtful, melancholy;
to clasp one's knees.
doubt, distrust;
anguish, sorrow, affliction;
scrupulous, conscientious;
— մտաց, conscience;
remorse, compunction;
խղճիւ մտաց, conscientiously, scrupulously;
ազատութիւն խղճի, liberty of conscience;
կշտամբանք խղճի մտաց, accusation, reproach of conscience;
— պահել, ի խղճի լինել մտաց ուրուք, to pretend to have scruples, to scruple to, to be conscientious;
լռեցուցանել զ— մտաց, to stifle remorse;
յազատութիւն խղճի մտացն, for conscience sake.
hard, stiff, harsh, tough;
sharp, strict, severe, rigorous, rigid, austere;
rough, rude;
cruel, merciless;
haughty, arrogant, supercilious, overhearing;
inflexible, obstinate, untoward, stubborn, untamable;
difficult, inaccessible;
—, խստիւ, harshly;
roughly, cruelly;
— բանք, harsh words;
— կեանք, austere, hard life;
խստիւ գնալ, to be blunt with;
to treat with brutality or severity, to maltreat;
—ս բարբառել՝ խօսել ընդ ումեք, to speak bluntly or harshly to, to say unpalatable things;
— է քեզ, it is hard forthee.
closing or shutting;
cork, stopper, bung, plug;
— արկանել, to cork, to bung, to dam, to stop;
to hinder, to oppose.
cf. Խլիկք.
ulceration, suppuration, pus, purulent matter;
—ք երկրի, earth-worms;
—ք խոտոց, liquid refuse from putrid vegetation.
cf. Եղկելի.
— եկեղեցւոյ, nave.
cf. Խնամակալ.
cf. Խնամակալ.
cf. Խնամակալութիւն.
cf. Խնամակալ.
cf. Խնամարկեմ.
affinity, alliance, relationship;
հոգեւոր —, sponsorship;
արկանել —, — առնել ընդ, cf. Խնամենամ.
to spare, to be sparing of;
to pardon, to respect, to exempt, to privilege;
to save, to spare, to husband, to be thrifty, to administer or manage well, to be sparing of expence, to economize;
— ի կերակրոյն, to stint one's self;
— ի ժամանակն, to economize time;
— ի շրթունս, to bridle one's tongue;
— ի բարկութիւն, to abstain from wrath.
interrogation, inquiry, demand;
discussion, examination;
perquisition, search, quest;
visit, inquisition;
proposition, thesis;
litigation, contest, dispute, debate, quarrel;
request, requisition;
խօսեսցուք զայսր խնդրոյ, let us discourse on this chapter;
խնդիր առնել, ի խնդիր երթալ, գալ, ելանել, շրջել, անկանել, արկանել, to seek, to look for, to search for or after, to make inquiries, to investigate, to examine, to inquire into;
ի խնդիր լինել ուրուք, to trace, to be in search of, to follow the track of;
խնդիր ի մէջ առնուլ, to commence an argument;
խնդիրս յուզել, to raise a doubt, to create a discussion;
խնդիր եղեւ, there arose a question;
a dispute was raised;
խնդիր ի միջի կայ, the question is;
խնդիր է ինձ ի քէն, խնդիր մի ունիմ ի քէն, I have a favour to beg of you.
cf. Խշտեակ.
boar, sow;
pig, hog, swine;
—ք, spoke of a wheel;
scrofula, king's evil;
— մատակ, sow;
— մալեալ, hog;
— ծովային, sea-hog;
ցնկնիլ —ի, to farrow, to pig;
ծնունդք —ի, litter of pigs;
— խանչէ՝ բոհբոհէ՝ կնչէ՝ գրդայ՝ կռնչէ, the hog grunts.