to import.
cheat, swindlery.
merchant, trader;
tradesman, shopkeeper, dealer;
մեծաքանակ կամ փոքրաքանակ —, wholesale merchant, retail-dealer;
cf. Նաւ.
commerce, trade, dealings, business;
— առնել, to carry on commerce, to trade, to deal, to traffic.
partner, correspondent.
selling or sold wretchedly;
— առնել, to sell;
— լինել, to be sold.
partnership, company.
to export.
market, bazaar;
commercial, mercantile, trading;
opulent merchant, rich treader;
— քաղաք, mercantile city;
— լինել, to trade, to deal, to traffic, to gain.
gain, lucre, profit;
cf. Շահավաճառութիւն;
կենցաղօգուտ —, benefit that commerce confers on the world.
provost of the guilds.
avaricious, greedy of gain.
inclination for commerce;
illicit trade.
cf. Վաճառարան.
market-place, bazaar;
broker, middle man, agent;
— ձիոց, jockey.
brokerage, commission, agency.
cf. Վաճառանոց.
cf. Վաճառանոց.
to sell, to debit, to sell off;
— այսքանոյ, to sell at;
քանո՞յ —ռես, how much ? what is the price ? cf. Մեծագնի;
— զոք ի ձեռս ուրուք, to give up, to deliver, to betray.
saleable, marketable, venal;
— լինել, to be sold, disposed of.
seller of, dealer in.
sale, selling.
woe, cry of pain or grief, lament, wail, moans;
disaster, calamity, misfortune;
— զ—իւ աղաղակել or ճիչել, to cry bitterly, to wail, to lament aloud, to deplore, to complain;
— կարդալ անձին, to create misfortunes for oneself;
արդարեւ —ի են արժանի, they are truly unhappy.
woe ! alas ! oh ! ah !
— քեզ, woe to you!
— ինձ, — զիս, — զինեւ, woe is me ! how unhappy I am !
— — քաղաքդ մեծ ! woe ! woe to the great city !.
cf. Վայելք;
ոչ — են, it is not fit, it is unbecoming.
worthy of enjoyment;
to enjoy, to taste of, to possess, to have the enjoyment of;
to relish, to taste with pleasure;
to become, to fit, to sit well on;
to be proper, suitable, meet, to beseem;
— յարգասիս քրտանց, to enjoy the fruit of one's labours;
հանդերձս այս վայելէ քեզ, this coat fits you well.
to cause to enjoy;
to cause to participate;
to dress well.
cf. Վայելք.
convenient, suitable, proper, congruous, pertinent, decent, becoming, fit;
well made or shaped, comely, elegant, prepossessing, genteel, pretty, graceful;
enjoyable, enjoying;
—ս, elegantly.
eloquence, fluency of speech;
suitably, decently, properly, pertinently, aptly, justly;
comely, elegantly, genteelly, prettily, graciously.
very good-looking, handsome, lovely, fascinating, charming, prepossessing, graceful, fair, beautiful.
of fine aspect, well-shaped, good looking.
highly ornamented, elegantly adorned.