enemy of truth, hating, detesting the truth.
seeing the truth;
having no respect for persons, severe, perspicacious.
cf. Ճշմարտատիպ.
true, real, exact, striking.
cf. Ճշմարտեմ.
preaching truth.
probing the truth;
well examined, sure, certain.
beautiful as a pearl.
adorned with pearls, pearled.
full of pearls, pearly;
— դաշտ, plain sprinkled with daisies.
bearing or producing pearls.
grain of pearl;
— ատամունք, pearly teeth.
cf. Մարգարտաշար.
cf. Մարգարտաշար.
strung with pearls.
like a pearl.
bright as a pearl.
agonotheta, athlotheta.
quarrelsome, contentious, litigious, wrangling.
of or belonging to war or battle, warlike;
warrior, combatant.
war-car or chariot.
companion in arms, fellow-soldier, comrade;
adversary, antagonist, opponent;
confederate, leagued, allied;
— գունդք, auxiliary forces;
— լինել, to fight in company.
companionship in arms;
alliance, confederacy;
aid, succour.
tumultuous, troubled, agitated by war.
cf. Մարտադիր.
would to Heaven that! if it might be !.
painting battle-scenes;
— պատկերահան, painter of battle-pieces.
waggon, powder-cart.
palestra, battle-field, or battle-ground.
weapons of war (other than firearms);
military, warlike.
boaster, braggart, vaunter.
cf. Հպարտագոյնս.
proudly, haughtily, vaingloriously.
vain-glorious, boastful.
to be proud, to swell with pride, to be puffed up;
— ընդ տոհմ իւր, to boast of one's descent or birth.
to make proud, to puff up, to inflate, to render haughty.
edict, decree;
գիր —ի, chronicles, annals;
— առնել, հանել, to issue a decree;
—ս առնել, to make or publish edicts.
King's messenger.
cf. Պարարտաբեր.
rich, fertile, prolific, abundant, copious.
thoroughly, fully;
long, in detail.
very sapid, well flavoured, extremely grateful to the palate.
plump, fleshy, corpulent, obese.
to fatten, to grow fat, to become fat and plump.
rich in pasture.
to fatten, to make fat;
— զերկիր, to manure, to dung, to fertilize.