cedra, citron-tree.
wooden bowl, vat, trongh;
albura, morphew (a malignant itch).
the suffering, passion, any exterior influence;
—, ի — արկումն, use, usage, common practice;
ի — ածել՝ առնուլ՝ արկանել, to put to use, to make use of, to employ, to use;
to practise, to put into practice;
to exercise;
չարաչաբ ի — արկանել, to abuse, to misuse.
domenical letter.
sunday eve, saturday night.
sunday, the Lord's day.
cf. Կիրակէ.
use, employment.
well-bred, well-educated, versed, expert, experienced, practised;
— ախորժակ, exquisite taste;
ընդ — անցանել, to exercise, to practise, to experience;
ընդ — անցուցանել, to instruct, to teach, to educate, to bring or train up;
ի — անկանել զհետ իրիք, to devote, to dedicate oneself to;
ի — ձգեալ հասանել ումեք, to gain or close up with one running;
cf. Կիրթք.
well-bitted, soft-mouthed, docile, subdued, tractable.
exercise, practice, experience, instruction, knowledge;
ի կիրթս առաքինութեան մխել, to exercise or practise virtue;
անցանել ընդ կիրթս իրիք, to get used or accustomed to.
pass, defile, narrow passage;
straits, channel;
neck, isthmus;
առնուլ, ունել զ—ս, to hold or defend a pass, to be master of the communications, to hold the roads, to close the passage.
movement of the soul, emotion, sentiment, feeling;
animal passions, sensuality, vice;
suffering, pain, torment;
attributes, properties;
— լուսնի, phases of the moon;
յոյզ կրից, transports, fits of passion;
զաչացու՝ խօլական՝ նորածին՝ մոլեգին —, blind, extravagant, furious, outrageous passion;
յուզել զկիրս, to stir up, to provoke or excite the passions;
գգուել զկիրս, to flatter, to soothe one's passions;
անձնամատն լինել ի կիրս իւր, to give oneself up, to abandon oneself to one's passions, to indulge, to let loose, to gratify one's passions;
ի դժուարին կիրս գտանել, to find oneself in a painful, embarrassing or awkward position;
նուաճել զկիրս, to rule, to subjugate or control one's passions, to bring one's passions under subjection.
united, joined, conjoined, connected, annexed;
contiguous, adherent, adhesive, sticking;
adjoining, abutting, lying close to;
conjointly, together, at the same time;
— ընթանալ, to run together;
to concur with, to cooperate;
to compete;
— լինել, to be annexed;
joint, conjunction, union;
kick, kicking;
— բանից, composition, texture;
— ճանապարհի, place where four roads meet or cross, cross-road or cross-street;
— անդրեաց, group of statuary;
կիցս արձակել՝ ընկենուլ, to kick, to fling out or kiok up the heels.
kicking, vicious, apt to kick.
soothsayer, conjurer, enchanter.
cf. Կիւս.
demonology, black art.
cf. Կիրակէ.
kestrel, small hawk.
castle, fortress, fort.
to swallow;
to devour;
to ingulf, to absorbe;
զօդ՝ զշունչ or ոգի to breathe, to take breath;
— զբանս, to listen eagerly.
jaw, jawbone.
clime, climate.
to cause to swallow.
to prick;
to sting;
to nip, to bite;
to pique.
cf. Կծանեմ.
cf. Կծանեմ.
cf. Կծանեմ.
nibbling, stealing a little at a time;
swindler, sharper, cheat.
clew of yarn, ball of thread;
wound in a ball, squat, clustered, crouching;
պատել ի —ն, to wind up, to wind into balls or skeins;
— կալ, to crouch, to squat;
to sit on one's heels;
to creep.
stingy, saving, scurvy, niggard, beggarly, paltry, shabby, mean, sordid, penurious, parsimonious, avaricious, covetous;
filthy, dirty, impure, unchaste.
shabbiness, meanness, avarice, stinginess, penu-riousness, sordidness, parsimoniousness, sordid avarice;
impurity, foulness.
cf. Կծծանք.
to wind, to coil up, to make into a clew or coil;
to bind, to narrow, to contract, to straiten.
to squat down, to crouch, to cower;
to be contracted, shortened;
to shrivel up, to grow narrow.
shrinking, contraction, shortening, shrivelling;
cf. Կծկութիւն.
sharp to the taste, sour, acid, tart;
pungent, biting, piquant, slandering, rude, satirical.
bitter, bitter remedy or cure;
—ս առնուլ, to drink bitter draughts or a potion made of bitter herbs.
stinging, pricking;
biting, sharp, acute, caustic, poignant;
— առնել, to burn, to scorch;
to pain, to torture.
to gather, to pluck, to pick.
sourness, sharpness, pungency, acidity, tartness;
bitterness, acritude, causticity.
cf. Կծութիւն.